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I'm back!
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Started conversation Aug 1, 2003
I've just returned from my holdiay in the sunny Dordogne!
I've been parting with my € like anything as I have done all the travelling myself, separately to my family.
Yesterday I was up at 0430 to catch a train from Brive to Paris, then the Métro across the capital to CDG airport, where I then had to wait 2 hours before I could check in and then another 3 in the departure lounge because I was early.
Once on the flight, we were told that our nasty airline snack couldn't be served because a member of the crew had got injured on the way over. I was, therefore, ecstatic when presented with a £7.50 food voucher by BA to spend at Birmingham Airport before catching an onward train.
I was going to catch an old slow train to Coventry, but did the whole journey in eight minutes thanks to a (delayed) Virgin West Coast train. And yes, it was a shiny new Pendolino jobbie. Comfortable, air conditioned!
You'll understand why I made such a big deal of the air conditioning in my next journal entry!
I'm back!
zendevil Posted Aug 3, 2003
Oh poo, oh merde!!!
I had no idea you were so close; Angoulême is just over the border in Charente (same stuff as Dordogne, half the price!)
If you have connections in the area & can get over here again let me know!
at (sign!)
tiscali (damn their souls!)
abbreviated version of La Belle Wotsit!
(do get in touch if you can work that lot out, if not, Z knows it, so VIP will too )
I'm back!
zendevil Posted Aug 4, 2003
I'm fine! A slight touch of Dire Poverty & battling with the forces of Tiscali isn't much fun, but Other Things are much more important & these are absolutely
Do let me know if you are coming over to France though, it would be great to see you!
I'm actually going over to London this weekend (ooh!!! that soon!!!) to see spim, but doubt if there will be much time for socialising, maybe another time though?
What are you up to these days?
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I'm back!
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