This is the Message Centre for Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation
Subbard JamEd
Hoovooloo Started conversation Aug 13, 2001
Hi. You're the sub for my entry on Bussard ramjets, so I thought I'd pop along and save you a couple of minutes.
I've updated my copy of the entry to refer to the edited versions of linked entries. I don't know if you can get at the source for the entry so here are the Edited links:
Jets and Rockets A593048
Centrifugal Force A597152
Coriolis Force A593273
Jet Engines A593174
Hard or soft? Two flavours of science fiction A593282
In other entries I've written I've made sure that other researchers who've made significant contributions have got credit. In one case this has put me second on the list of writers! My own feeling on this entry is that:
(a) everyone who made a contribution here is already credited on one of my other entries and
(b) there wasn't anything substantial added as a result of PR, just a few minor "tidy-ups".
Either way, I'd appreciate a look at the finished article before it goes back to the towers. Promise I won't second guess the editing!
Subbard JamEd
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Aug 14, 2001
Sorry. Now it's all gone through I can't do anything. I'm afraid that you'll have to ask the Italics nicely, good luck! They won't even let the subs at the articles after they're Edited.
Subbard JamEd
Hoovooloo Posted Aug 14, 2001
Oops, I was too slow! Could you pass on the above to the relevant italics please? Otherwise the links will just come out, wasting much work!
Cheers if it works, cheers if it don't, thanks
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Subbard JamEd
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