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Conspiracy Theories

Watched another great episode of Rulers of the World last night on Channel 4, it was quite frightening to see how outwardly sane people are driven to dramatic conclusions about the ruling classes due to a combination of ignorance and bad luck in life.

The problem with arguing with these people is that they operate in half truths and zealotry which makes them hard to come to heel within the context of a rational argument.

OK, rich, powerful people get together on a regular basis - i.e. Davos. However, to see this as a conscious and calculating manifestation of a New World Order, is like equating Tupperware Parties to suburban orgies!

People of like backgrounds and interests get together and discuss issues that interest them - just like h2g2.

However, I would admit the more our 'ruling classes' get together in cosy, discrete moots there is more scope for a 'masonising' of the global political and economic elite. I feel uncomortable with too much of this but I find it incredible to draw analogies with the urban myth of a secret world government.

I would also say that yes, there is a New World Order, in as much as there is an increasingly economically integrated set of nations. However, far from being a self-aware body of Satanic individuals, it is an organic growth as a result of the victory of Capitalism in the late 1980's.

Very interesting subject though, quite keen to read Jon Ronson's book and maybe think about organising my thoughts and submiting an entry to the guide.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2001

My First Entry

Ok, this is my first attempt to assault the cyber public with my idle ruminations on this site.

Well, the problem is I'm feeling pretty shambolic this afternoon due to an unexpected hangover after drinks at a birthday party last night.

I am inactive most of the time - outside of work - and feeling like this encourages me to sit around doing nothing in particular. So, here I am typing drivel to fool myself that I'm doing something constructive!

Outside of this monologue I've had a look around the site and am pretty impressed by it's vibe and vision, but it also seems a bit empty at the moment.

Hope things liven up tomorrow!


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Latest reply: May 20, 2001

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