This is the Message Centre for Snarficus

Emoclew, Snarficus...

Post 1


I see you have been elfed and flamencoed, now you are about to be ACEd...

I hope you are enjoying yourself here. I am an Assistant Community Editor, (ACE), one of a group of volunteers who mooch about introducing newcomers to the site, offering help and generally making nuisances of ourselves smiley - smiley

Many of us are a bit dazed and sad right now due to the sudden passing of Douglas Adams, the wonderfully mad genius who inspired this incredible place. If you wish to leave a message of condolence, please visit his personal page at:

If you need a little more help finding your way around, please visit, which has links to various interesting and informational places at h2g2

Also, feel free to drop by my page any time to chat or ask a question

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Emoclew, Snarficus...

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