This is the Message Centre for Ram0na (seems that I've lost my sock againl)
To all members of the Canadian Researchers' Club
anhaga Started conversation Feb 12, 2005
We've started a discussion about the design of a banner for the Canadian Researchers' Club and a badge for members and honorary members to use on their Personal Spaces. A number of people have become involved in the conversation and some very good ideas are coming together. I'm sending this message out in the interest of including as many people in the discussion so that we can get the truest possible consensus.
The discussion is at F122884?thread=589585
Please feel free to drop by, read the thread so far and add whatever comments or ideas you may have.
pro tem administrator of the Canadian Researchers' Club pending the return of Lonefaery from parts unknown
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To all members of the Canadian Researchers' Club
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."