This is the Message Centre for Ram0na (seems that I've lost my sock againl)
Arthur Started conversation Jun 12, 2001
Why is our Conversation aeh... "hidden" ?
A moderator seemed to switch by and make sth. I don`t understand.
Is it back at normal level or are we dead now or...
Ram0na (seems that I've lost my sock againl) Posted Jun 13, 2001
I don't understand? "hidden" What do you mean by that?
Ram0na (seems that I've lost my sock againl) Posted Jun 13, 2001
I think that it's a regular thing for new postings. I'm sure that even this one will get moderated. I just read the information on it. So I don't think we broke any rules. If we did then you would get an email stating what the violation was. That's what I'm getting from the information. I think It's too early in the morning for me
I can't think without some
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