This is the Message Centre for AstroAde

Hi Stargazer...

Post 1

Jimi X

Nice to see a fellow 'Yank' who likes looking up into the night sky. Most of the other astronomy-type people on-site are based in the UK.

Anyway, in my role as ACE (Assistant Community Editor), welcome to the Guide and do feel free to write more entries about your favourite topice. That one about telescopes is a real beauty.

Have you managed to visit the h2g2 Astronomy Society yet? It's at and is full of good folks who share an interest in the heavens.

Last August a bunch of Researchers on-site did a worldwide observation of the Perseids Meteor Shower, counting meteors and fireballs. The pages can be found at and

It was good fun (though a bugger to compile all the results). I was amazed at the worldwide run of bad weather! smiley - smiley

I also try to keep the 'Observatory' updated. It's a page with astronomical highlights for each month and can be found at

One final link - check out 'The Universe' section of the Guide's categorization system

There's a lot of good Guide Entries there on astronomical topics including a few comprehensive projects and a full listing of Messier's objects! smiley - smiley

Anyway, hope to see you around the Guide and again welcome aboard!

smiley - star

- Jimi X

Hi Stargazer...

Post 2


> Nice to see a fellow 'Yank' who likes looking up into the
> night sky. Most of the other astronomy-type people on-site
> are based in the UK...

Jimi: thanks for the message and the pointers to the h2g2 Astronomy Society. I shall be a frequent visitor from now on! One thing I must point out: I'm not actually a 'Yank' -- merely a Brit currently working in Cambridge, Massachusetts!

Even though I have very light-polluted skies here, I'm an active observer of many years standing. I certainly miss the dark, rural skies of my native Norfolk county in England! I have a computerised 'scope, which means I can make the most of limited viewing opportunities.

Until next we meet, clear skies! Ade

Hi Stargazer...

Post 3

Jimi X


Even a stargazer in America is a Brit! smiley - biggrin

Not that there's anything wrong with that. smiley - winkeye

I reckon most of Mass is pretty bad for light pollution. Done here in Pennsylvania, it's pretty easy to find dark skies - we have some counties with more deer than people.

Ah the life of a simple country boy....

Hi Stargazer...

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello from me too!
I'm a "Brit" in Great Britain!smiley - biggrin
Lincolnshire to be precise, we don't do too badly for night-sky viewingsmiley - bigeyes
Nice to meet you, Stargazer Ade.
I hope you join the h2g2astronomy society at Yahoo groups.
Keeps us stargazers all in touch with the latest newssmiley - winkeye

smiley - hug

*waves to Jimi X*smiley - starsmiley - loveblush

Hi Stargazer...

Post 5



Nice to hear from you! Yes, there's lots of stuff happening in the sky at the moment, with Mars being that bit higher in the sky from 42 degrees north latitude here in the US compared to the 52 degrees of Norfolk, England I've been used to... that 10 degrees makes a lot of difference!

Clear skies, Ade

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