This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board

hey there

Post 1

johnny from the block

hello lighthouse girl, just thought id introduce myself to you, im johnny from the block aka keeper of the purple cows. I know that you have styled yourself as keeper of all things purple, so i hope you dont mind me stealing a little bit of your thunder.
all the best and much love

hey there

Post 2

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hey there you!

Of course I dont mind JOhnny! The purple cows (such as Ermintrude here) were eating rather too much of the purple grass and I do have to confess to finding them a bit of a handful to look after

Anyway you cant beat spreading a bit of purpleness!

Catch you soon

smiley - lighthouse

hey there

Post 3

johnny from the block

hey light, well im having a problem with these cows at the moment, their purple pee is ruining the grass, and apart from putting toilets everywhere, and hey you ever house trained a cow?, I dont know what to do. help!!!!

hey there

Post 4

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hey Jonny - sorry for the delay in gettng back to you - I have been researching the habbits of purple cows and that seems to be the key - putting them in nuns habbits smiley - erm Well you got to try all the options!

Either that or feed them on purple straw

smiley - lighthouse

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