This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board
Z bringing news of the meet
Z Started conversation Feb 14, 2003
Can you make the 28th of March!
We now have a date for the exciting Birmingham meet, well the Birmingham meet anyway, it's going to be on the evening of Friday the 28th of March, in the Hogshead pub in the city centre.
We'll help with directions if you don't know Birmingham..
but please let me know if I can put you down as a "definate", "maybe", "sorry I can't make it", or "don't like you at all"
and hope to see you soon
For and on behalf of
Z bringing news of the meet
Lighthousegirl - back on board Posted Feb 15, 2003
Thanks for stopping by to let me know Z - there have been way too many blob of blog on the thread and its great to know I dont have to read them all.
Not sure at this stage if I can make it but I will see what I can do - put me down as a maybe please
How are things with you?
Z bringing news of the meet
Z Posted Feb 15, 2003
Ooooh I'm fine bit tired and ourght to be working! but nothing out of the ordinary I guess a lot of people won't manage to know about the meet until nearer the time!
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Z bringing news of the meet
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