This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board

I guess you found somewhere to live

Post 21

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - smiley

Good luck with Number 2 - I look forward to hearing all about it.

I will check out that sight - but I have loads of friends here so am unlikely to stop coming round here...

I guess you found somewhere to live

Post 22


Don't worry, I wasn't suggesting you should follow me smiley - smiley - I'm finding it difficult to commit to both sites, and the moderation here on h2g2 is getting me down a little. I'm enjoying being a Community Artists though, so I'm not sure what I'll do.

I've written a few pieces for - do a search for eversion and you should get a link to my user page. There's a link to the pieces I've written.

By the way, the graphic for this weeks talking point about books is one of mine. smiley - biggrin

I guess you found somewhere to live

Post 23

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - smiley

The feel of the place seems very different but who is to say you have to choose? A little bit of you here and a little bit of you there?

I must go and look at the talking point this week then - not quite gotten there yet!

I guess you found somewhere to live

Post 24


I shan't be round here much more I'm afraid - but I'd like to stay in touch in future.

Mail me on if you'd like to say hello.

You should have mail!

Post 25

Lighthousegirl - back on board


Sorry to hear you wont be here very much - but hopefully you have mail!

Catch up with you soon

smiley - lighthouse

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