This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board
It's me!
I'm not really here Started conversation Oct 29, 2001
I found you.
It was great meeting you, and hopefully we'll meet again, dah dah dah, dah dah dih..
Oh sorry, the blood isn't quite clear yet I think.
It's me!
Lighthousegirl - back on board Posted Oct 29, 2001
Hello there you!
Glad to see you made it home
What a weekend I cant wait for the next one, but my body may have other ideas
I seem to have misplaced my voice somewhere along the way.
* wonders when and if the copious amounts of she is drinking will kick in *
It's me!
I'm not really here Posted Oct 29, 2001
Too much shouting over the music!
Hope your flight was better than ours, it was delayed an hour. And we'd got to the airport 30 minutes early, so we were waiting over 3 hours in the end.
But I did need the rest after all that walking about on Sunday afternoon. I thought my poor feet would never recover. ? Good idea!
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It's me!
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