This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board

Heya LHG

Post 1


Just got back and saw you online. *waves*

Good to meet you yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your first h2g2 meet.smiley - smiley Wonder if Njan uploaded his pics yet...

See you around. Drop by my space and say hi sometime.smiley - winkeye

smiley - ufo

Heya LHG

Post 2

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* waves back *

Hi Pegasus

I had fun on Saturday and it was good to meet you to. I had hoped the evening would go on longer but maybe next time!

I think Njan tried to upload the pictures but I am nnot sure if he managed it. Had a message from him saying he is away fro a couple of weeks so lets hope he did!

Catch you soon

Light smiley - smiley

Heya LHG

Post 3


We will have to campaign for a smiley - lighthouse smiley now.smiley - smiley

Lucky Njan is off to the caribbean, so I expect uploading pics was the last thing he thought about.smiley - winkeye

Yes... I expected it to go on later too, or I wouldn't have stayed the night. Usually (and I only have personal experience of one meet, but have heard about many others), it continues to chucking out time.smiley - bigeyes At least...

Did you say you are planning on going to the Raddish in Leeds? Not at all sure if I can make that one. Probably not.smiley - sadface

smiley - ufo

Heya LHG

Post 4

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi there

Its my birthday on Monday and I am having a party! I would love it if you were able to stop by. It is on Pierce's Pirate Ship (A579684) and the Lighthouse Bar is at Cabin 13. Anyway here is your invite smiley - smiley

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly An Invitation - Come to a Birthday Party smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Join us in the Lighthouse Bar (and probably the Main Mess Room) on Monday 20 August for a food, drink, music, dancing, general merriment and debauchery smiley - smiley

The Captain has said we can beam guests on board for the occasion so please feel free to bring guests (although we will not be able to guarantee their safety smiley - winkeye )

Hope you can beam in and join me, no need to RSVP just turn up and join the celebrations


Heya LHG

Post 5



Thanks for the invitation.smiley - smiley I'll probably be a bit busy on Monday getting ready to set off for Edinburgh the next day (and another meet on the 23rd!), but I'll try and stop by.smiley - smiley

In case I don't make it, many happy returns of the day, and make sure you drink your age in smiley - bubbly *that way, getting older is more fun*smiley - winkeye

smiley - ufo

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