This is the Message Centre for Micky67

London calling...

Post 1


Hello and welcome to the guide on the BBC. Hopefully this version of Douglas Adams dream will prove to be his greatest legacy to us all.
If you wish to leave condolences to his family you can do so at:
I'm Androyd and the ACE bit stands for Assistant Community Editor. My job is to help you as a new/returning user find your way around. If you are a new user then please click on this link:

If you have problems converting your old account (such as if you didn't set a password for your old account), then please email [email protected] with your h2g2 U123456 number and/or your h2g2 email address, and we will email you your details to enable you to do the conversion.
Also get in touch if you have problems such as inadvertently gaining two identities. This is where problems can be sorted out.

In the unlikely event you have content removed by the moderator and you want to query why then please go to:

Please let me know when you write your first guide entry so I can check out the latest additions to the guide! Click on reply or my name to get in touch.


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London calling...

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