This is the Message Centre for Sirona ( 1x7-4+(7x6)-(sqrt9) = 42 )

Welcome Sirona

Post 1


Hi there and welcome to The Hitch Hikers Guide... My name is Greebo T. Cat, and me is an Assistant Community Editor here at H2G2. If you need any help then ask away, me will try to help all me can.

Here is a handy link to a page me wrote for new researchers to the guide such as yourself, it has several links to parts of the guide that you might like to visit. So if you have the time, why not pop over to

Douglas Adams untimely death is very upsetting to us all here, after all H2G2 was his brainchild. If you would like to pay your respect to Douglas, then please go to, and leave a message. Me is sure his family, and many friends will appreciate the gesture...

You can of course change anything that you put on your home page... mine has gone through numerous changes since me arrived here... it is fun... like redecorating a room... ~grin~

Will talk to you later...


Welcome Sirona

Post 2

St. Trin (again) in black

Hello and welcome

smiley - smiley

St. Trin

Welcome Sirona

Post 3

Sirona ( 1x7-4+(7x6)-(sqrt9) = 42 )

Thank you smiley - smiley

I love this place. I've decided this is my new home... I mean, it has everything! And I want to know everything, so it's perfect.

I'm going to be remodeling my page as soon as I get the swing of GuideML. I've dabbled in HTML, and know the basics about tags and values and what not, so it can't be too difficult. If you have any hints, other than the postings about that, then feel free to give me a hand. smiley - winkeye


Welcome Sirona

Post 4

St. Trin (again) in black

Well before starting you might
wanna check out the GuideML Clinic.

how 2 put picts in yer txts

anything else u want ask

smiley - blue St. Trin

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