Journal Entries

towel obsessed

My towel has been a constant source of comfort for me over the....(EEK!) 16 years I have held on to it. Since learning of the death of DNA though, I have become truly OBSESSED with my towel. Its a really nice towel, very big and blue with some light red and white stripes running through it down the center in a truly fetching way. Its also spectacular in that it has a different texture to its two sides--the "business end," if you will, is very cotton loopy absorbent and the other side is almost velvety smooth---extra nice for laying on whilst looking at the stars, or for holding against one's face Linus-style for comfort. I don't tend to take my towel with me everywhere, which is probably a lack of foresight on my part, but generally I don't tend to suddenly take off on wacky adventures without planning them out first. Of course, thinking about what happened to Arthur Dent that Thursday perhaps I ought to be better prepared for the unplanned and improbable.
Guess I'll start carrying a bigger bag....

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Latest reply: May 16, 2001

any help would be appreciated

Is there a guide entry for coping with the unexpected death of one of your favorite authors?
I am sure someone of you could come up with something.
I have recently come across a few dubious recipies for the Pan Galactic Gargleblaster and while it seems tempting, I just don't have the wild turkey at my disposal.
Perhaps I can substitue a pint, eh? smiley - stout

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Latest reply: May 15, 2001

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