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Post 1


smiley - xmastreeCiao cuzzie,

I held back from sending a spare extra dozen of those blown glass gherkins in your smiley - gift package. You'll have to wait to see what I sent in their stead.smiley - evilgrin

What I really wanted to know is - if you'll be home from your trip to you-know-where, having had the concert of you-know-what by the time I arrive in town on you-know-when.smiley - huh
If not, I'll obtain a car at the you-know-where and drive you-know-who (smiley - puffand all that entails) over that night, alright?

Gotta get to the office in time for a meeting by driving smiley - evilgrinyou-know-how!

Give me a ring later today and smiley - cross don't even think of tucking into those marzipan pigs before Christmas Eve.

smiley - lovesmiley - hollysmiley - love
smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space~J~

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