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Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 1


smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Must admit that I was much impressed with the composure you showed by not jumping overboard tonight.smiley - rofl

smiley - evilgrinWe knew that if we held the party offshore, there would be less chance of you shirking your schmoozing and mingling responsibilities.
Go on, admit it...
You ~ Enjoyed ~ Yourself, yes?

smiley - bigeyesThere's a smiley - gift for you behind your bedroom computer.
Don't stay up too late trying on all your smiley - giftsmiley - gifts!
I'm shutting down the computer in the kitchen, like a good boy, right now. (hint-hintsmiley - winkeye)

smiley - cuddleHappiest of sweet birthday dreams to my beautiful cousin and good night.smiley - smooch

A demain,

Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 2

Wile E Quixote

smiley - lurk

smiley - bigeyes An offshore party! smiley - applause Great idea! smiley - laugh

smiley - lurk

Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 3

Wile E Quixote

Did she admit to enjoying herself?

Personally, I’ve found that a bright light shone in the face elicits a positive response. smiley - smiley

Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 4


smiley - bigeyes

We do what we can to snare and contain this highly elusive and squirrely creature.

Once we convinced her that there was nowhere she could hide on the yacht without all of her guests immediately noticing, she resigned herself to a night of socializing. With close friends and relatives.
smiley - rolleyes It wasn't as if she was stuck in the midst of a shipload of strangers in the middle of the Pacific.

She Did grudgingly admit to being "thrilled" by the unique surprise of a mystery yacht excursion birthday party - that's after we pulled her away from perilously dancing too close to the railings and chattering with the porpoises...

smiley - groanHeavens, she can be ludicrously shy with people she's known all her life! Yet, when it comes to professional appearances at concerts, she's cool, calm and collected with no hint of shyness whatsoever.

Perhaps the smiley - discobright lights of the stagesmiley - disco have something to do with shedding her usual reticence?smiley - winkeye

Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 5


"close to the railings"- She was leaning out OVER the railings waving to a pod of porpoises!smiley - yikes

I thought I might clarify such an understatement, J.

smiley - evilgrinShe's going to be flustered to see that we've both posted here while she was at Bruno's.


Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 6


smiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrin


Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 7


smiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrin

Me too! OohOoh - I want to corroborate!
(and show off my vocabulary)

*snicker* We're coming out of the woodworks.


Happy happy birthday baby...*clink-clink*

Post 8

Wile E Quixote

smiley - biggrin She still sounded excited by it all when she told me about it. smiley - applause

If that’s the case, I wonder how she’ll react to a thread full of relatives and a friend! smiley - bigeyes

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