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Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
U2006 Started conversation May 16, 2007
Does anyone know where our dear cyinthesis is? I miss her! She's not been on here for three weeks...i don't have her lovely nature or funny personality to make the world a better place. Come back!
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
Wile E Quixote Posted May 16, 2007
I know, it’s sad to see “Last posted: 3 Weeks Ago” on her PS.
Her mum had a couple of bad falls and she’s been recovering from an injury of her own, so she’s not had much time for the internet recently.
So, , she’ll be back. We’ll have to embarrass her with a HUGE welcome back when she has the time to return.
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
Ellen Posted May 17, 2007
Add me to the missing Cynthesis list.
To quote It's a Wonderful Life: "One man's life touches so many others, when he's not there it leaves an awfully big hole."
Wile E that's a great idea to throw a party when she gets back.
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
U2006 Posted May 17, 2007
I'm sorry to hear about her mum..a party might be exactly what she needs!
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 17, 2007
Ellen! How are you?
(I wish *I* was increasingly invisible - I was horribly conspicuous yesterday at an official thing.)
What other supplies should we stockpile for this party? I'll get my gramophone out and dust off the wax cylinders...
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
Ellen Posted May 22, 2007
Stockpile some blueberry Izzes. (Fizzy fruit drinks that are delicious)
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
cynthesis Posted May 28, 2007 noticed that I'd gone missing for a while!
*pouts*RL gave me a big old tug and kept me away from hootoo...
But now...
I'm baaa-aack!
And it's lovely to see my pals here on this thread!
Yay! Blueberry Izzes ,
and vintage
tunes on wax cylinders!
Gee whiz... Thanks you guys!
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
cynthesis Posted May 28, 2007
Cookie, too! Thanks lf!
Yay! It's nice to see you online!
*munches on cookies and taps her foot in time to the Elizabethan and Nick Cave tunes...
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
Ellen Posted May 28, 2007
Oh Hey, have you seen the Across the Universe trailer, you guys? There's a link in my latest journal.
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
cynthesis Posted May 28, 2007
*slides a heaping platter of cookies in JEllen's direction...*
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
cynthesis Posted May 28, 2007
*sigh* September?
Well, I guess that's something else to look forward to for us.
The new Pirates of the Caribbean flick should open sooner and tide us over 'til then...Johnny Depp...*goes into a trance*
Key: Complain about this post
Wah! I miss cyinthesis!
- 1: U2006 (May 16, 2007)
- 2: Wile E Quixote (May 16, 2007)
- 3: Ellen (May 17, 2007)
- 4: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 17, 2007)
- 5: U2006 (May 17, 2007)
- 6: Ellen (May 17, 2007)
- 7: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 17, 2007)
- 8: Ellen (May 22, 2007)
- 9: Ellen (May 28, 2007)
- 10: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 11: U2006 (May 28, 2007)
- 12: Ellen (May 28, 2007)
- 13: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 14: Ellen (May 28, 2007)
- 15: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 16: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 17: Ellen (May 28, 2007)
- 18: Ellen (May 28, 2007)
- 19: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 20: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
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