This is the Message Centre for Lord Rasputin

Welcome, Lord Rasputin...

Post 1


I see Ottox has already greeted you, (thanks, Ottox smiley - hug)

I am an ACE, one of the official greeters you have been, told about smiley - winkeye

Many of us are a bit dazed and sad right now due to the sudden passing of Douglas Adams, the wonderfully mad genius who inspired this incredible place. If you wish to leave a message of condolence, please visit his personal page at:, or at the page Ottox mentioned.

We also have a special tribute page set up, in DNA's honour, at WELCOME MAT SPECIAL - Dedicated to DNA

If you need a little more help finding your way around, please visit my links page at

Also, feel free to drop by my page any time to chat or ask a question


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Welcome, Lord Rasputin...

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