This is the Message Centre for ClippoPuppet

Hi ClippoPuppet...

Post 1


Hi and welcome to h2g2.

I'm an ACE on h2g2 which stands for Assistant Community Editor and we are a volunteer group who meet and greet newcomers here. If you want to talk to me from my homepage just click on my name above this posting and post a message, many of my own favourite acitvities here are linked from there.

I also have constructed a help page of my own here

Welcome again and we hope you will stick around and contribute to the wonderful world that is h2g2.

Have a smiley - coffee and smiley - donut on me smiley - smiley

PS. This as I'm sure you know is a sad time for h2g2 as the great creator Douglas Adams tragically passed away on Friday. People are posting notes of condolence to his family and friends at his personal h2g2 userspace . Feel free to add something if you wish.

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Hi ClippoPuppet...

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