Journal Entries
First week at Kent
Posted Sep 28, 2001
That's right - I've done a week here at UKC. I've FINALLY got my timetable sorted out (I had to go all over the place to find out about different classes) and I've kept up with the extra-lecture work so far. So I think I can give you all a fish or two
I've nothing else to do so I'm gonna spend some time browsing. My timetable's pretty full now but it should be OK.
I'll try to post in another few weeks... don't quote me on that. Oh, wait, I quoted myself just by putting it here.
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Latest reply: Sep 28, 2001
Posted Aug 17, 2001
Well, that's all for my A-Levels.
I got what I needed for uni; just. And I'm going to Kent in a few months to start a math and computing course. I'm not gonna say much else now.
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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2001
One more day to go...
Posted Aug 15, 2001
until I get my results. Lets just hope I do OK; I'll post tomorrow (hopefully) and say what happened. MAN, I'm worried, though. I mean, you hear loads of horror stories... I just don't want to be like my brother's schoolfriend who got great marks throughout his life and then nearly failed his a-levels. I don't care what people say to me; these things happen.
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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2001
Well that's that then.
Posted Aug 10, 2001
A-level results in 6 days, and what am I doing? I'm sitting around reading, writing and doing basically nothing that's what! I've just got back from holiday in Italy, which was cool; or, rather, hot(!) But seriously, it was great out there. I don't know what's been going on here in the UK, but apparently there was a heat wave, then it rained.
Anyway, I've got nothing better to do, so I'll enjoy the site for a while.
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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2001
Hello, boys... I'm BACK!!!
Posted May 13, 2001
It's been 5 months since I joined as Cyberkid. And I've had too much to do to come back and notice the changes. I've sent off a mail to try to get my old account back but I don't know if I will use it; frankly, I'd just as soon get shot of it.
I'm going into exam period - which means a little hibernation. Not for long though, I'll be able to post at the back end of June.
Well... time to scram.
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Latest reply: May 13, 2001
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