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Arrgh! Fellow exam person...
Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine Started conversation May 18, 2001
A-levels, I take it? I see you're doing English - which texts are you doing? And whilst I'm on the nosiness streak, what do you intend to do after your exams? I'm taking a year out before reapplying to do Eng. Lit. at university, just in case you felt like knowing.
Have fun,
Arrgh! Fellow exam person...
Jim Posted May 19, 2001
I'm doing English, Math and Physics; I'm gonna do Math and Computing at Uni next year.
Good luck w/ your exams too.
Arrgh! Fellow exam person...
Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine Posted May 19, 2001
Maths and physics... two of my least favourite subjects. Ah well.
Which uni are you off to?
Arrgh! Fellow exam person...
Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine Posted May 21, 2001
Me Oxford reject. Me reapplying next year because the course is so disgustingly good.
Otherwise, I think I'll be off to Durham, though York does look nice...
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Arrgh! Fellow exam person...
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