Journal Entries

DNA's Passing

How awful that it took Douglas Adams' untimely death for me to discover that the H2G2 project existed. I can truthfully say that I never felt like Marvin before today.
I feel it keenly because Douglas was almost two years younger than I, and we both (apparently) share the same type of heart problems. When I met him three years ago at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Atlanta, he seemed fit and hale, with the prospect of many years stretching forth in front of him, and totally engaged in his new projects and creations. Truly the sight of tomorrow's dawn breaking is never guaranteed to any of us, despite our expectations to the contary, and we should always be prepared to start on that next great journey, for it is rarely given toany of us to know when our call to board will be given.

Goodbye Doug. I hope you now know the Question, for which you provided us the answer so many years ago.

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