Journal Entries


It's been beautiful up here in the cold country for the past week. Really, really warm, short sleeves warm, bare the belly button warm. Still it is Edinburgh and I still haven't left the house with a spare layer of clothes handy just in case. Now however the promised turn in the weather has happened. It's kind of wild and windy and whooo.

Typical Brit muttering about the weather.

But it's the end of Monday and I'm kinda tired, having battled with evil supermarkets this evening, and AOL and Yahoo between them are giving me the runaround and I could rant, but I'm not going to.

Still, managed to get one article up. It's definately still a work in progress whilst I work out the guideml stuff, but It's getting there.

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Latest reply: May 28, 2001

Yah well

If the connection at home worked better maybe it would even be more possible to spend more time doing stuff online. Possibly. It's habit of being too busy and hanging up before you've even started is starting to get tedious. May yet a) write something for the guide and b) actually be able to enter it? Yeah right, with a load of sweet talking my service provider.

Oh yes and found out about the existance of guideml, now just have to remember enough of the terms to use it. Memory for random programming terms just not what it was.

On the plus side my latest film is shaping up. Written the thing now, which is a start. Now just need a location and a cast and a budget and oh-gods-why do I do this?


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Latest reply: May 17, 2001

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