This is the Message Centre for Dr Pants, keeper of unusual underwear

Hi ...

Post 1

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Hello, I'm called Zathras (OK I'm actually called something else but Zathras is a name I use online) and I am one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs), and I'd like to welcome you to h2g2!

There is no need to "try desperately to make people think that you're really interesting" just be yourself. I never try to make myself seem interesting here.

If you are finding H2G2 a bit confusing and bewildering (I know I did at first) there are lots of options to get help.

For now, if you need any help either click the help button to get access to the help documentation or, if you prefer a more human(?) smiley - monster face simply reply to this message - I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Normally I'd recommend new users check out the GuideML introduction at but it seems from your personal space you know what you are doing.

Remember if you need help or just want to have a chat, feel free to reply to this message.


Hi ...

Post 2

Dr Pants, keeper of unusual underwear

Hi Z, are you the official guy-who-chastises-people-for-their-insecurities? I have changed my page now to not sound so needy, as I must have done before (?) Anyway, can you tell me where the best places are to go looking for stuff on the guide?

Hi ...

Post 3

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Depends what stuff you want.

There is the search box above. If you type in what you are looking for there you will probably find articles that mention it. This is usually pretty effective at finding stuff. And of course if you find that there isn't an article on something you know about please write one.

Other useful places include the
The How do I? section where you can ask fairly specific questions. Located at


Ask H2G2 section where you can ask questions about pretty much anything located at

If you just want to chat to people either use the discuss an article button to post your thoughts. Or if you just want to chat more generally there is the Misc Chat forum at

Hope that helps

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