Journal Entries

Short rant

Bah. Massive additions to my quote page to-day. Prom is to-night, oh joy of joys, can't you just see my excitement.
Right then. Honestly. Why is prom such a big deal, and why the hell does it cost so much? I mean, $36 for a pair of tickets? Then factor in a tux, dinner, a limo, and a corsage. . . ouch. I do not envy the poor guy who is expected to pay for all that. Mais que seay-je? After all, everyone knows that, these days, if you want a good time, you must be willing to splurge. Riiiiiight. Bah.

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Latest reply: May 5, 2001

La la la

GUTS GUTS GUTS. No, it's not as creepy as it sounds. GUTS=Gonzaga University Theatre Sports, an improv troupe (ya know, kinda like those guys on Whose Line Is It Anyway), and they're giving their last performance of the year tomorrow. And I'm going. Yayness.

It's also incredibly hard to get a seven year old and a four year old ready for school at the same time.

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Latest reply: May 3, 2001

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Jade, Young Demi-Goddess of Semi-Sanity & Sower of Chaos Who Has No Exquisite Reason For 't, But Has Reason Good Enough

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