This is the Message Centre for Portable Chaos

Hello there...

Post 1

Go-Go Girl

Thought I'd drop by your space.

If 'Chaos is a state of mind', does that mean that if I stop believing in it, I will autimatically become a tidier person? And will I then be able to find things in my handbag (e.g keys) witthout having to tip it upside down?
smiley - smiley


Hello there...

Post 2

Portable Chaos

I have a sneaking suspicion that although though our world is controled by purely physical laws.... there are no laws to determine WHAT excatly goes on a lady's handbag. This problem has confouned some of mankinds greatests mind and unfournately we will never know the full truth in our life time. I once had a friend who unwittingly put his hand in his grilfriends bag without adequate training...he is still missing......that happend ten years ago and his parents are getting a little concerned.


Hello there...

Post 3

Go-Go Girl

smiley - laugh

Has it occurred to you that 'Portable Chaos' is a great way to describe a handbag?


Hello there...

Post 4

Portable Chaos

I have been called many things throughout my life, but this is the first time i have been called a handbag!

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