This is the Message Centre for David Jairaj


Post 1

stupidgirl,notanace,possiblyathree (Keeper of thingummies, wotsits and oojamerflips)

Hi there, just came in to have a nosy at your page, and also to say hi...I'm stupidgirl, but I'm not really stupid, apart from my habit of giving smiley - choc away! have some smiley - choc
Hope you're having fun on h2g2, and I shall no doubt see you around!

-stoop, being nice and making friends.


Post 2

David Jairaj

thanks for dropping in.
i'll visit you right away.


Post 3

stupidgirl,notanace,possiblyathree (Keeper of thingummies, wotsits and oojamerflips)

Umthankum...shall watch out for you with baited breath!!
...*eats smiley - choc since nobody else seems to want it....*


Post 4

David Jairaj

i'm unsubscribing to this conversation to see if it vanishes from my personal space

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