This is the Message Centre for David Jairaj


Post 1

Huw (ACE)

Hi, my name's Huw and I'm an ACE (Assisstant Community Editor), so I'd like to welcome you to h2g2!

Now, if you're feeling a bit bewildered by all this, help is at hand, and is available in a number of different forms. For now though, if you need any help either press the help button or simply reply to this message - I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

If you're planning to dive straight in and start writing entries, that's fantastic - but you should check out
It's an introduction to GuideML, which is the variant of HTML we use in the Guide. It's very easy to use, and makes Guide entries look so much better.

So, if you need help or just want to say hi and have a chat, just reply to this message.

Most importantly though - have fun!
smiley - biggrin


Post 2

David Jairaj

Thanks Huw.


Post 3

Huw (ACE)

That's quite alright. Feel free to ask me anything if you get stuck smiley - smiley


Post 4

David Jairaj

hi huw.
i want to know how i can, if i can, remove the conversations from my page.
and how i can, if i can again, remove my self from h2g2.
tell me.

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