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Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42! Started conversation Sep 23, 2001
I just read your post on Willem's page and I wanted you to know how touched I was.
Thank you for your words.
Your post
itsallhappening Posted Sep 28, 2001
Thanks 7,
I feel so lucky that he is OK now. He has so much to give.I do pray to hear word of him soon. Keep in touch yourself.
Hope all is well with you and yours. I am doing better these days. Letting go of a lot of mourning of the past and looking towards the future. I will be putting up some websites soon of my own and certainly intend to stay on with the h2g2. It is part of making the world my family. I believe we are all brothers and sisters in the spirit of love. I want to understand and be exposed to as many perspecitves as I can. This is the only way we can learn to respect and love one another. Have a beautiful and cozy nesting season this fall, enjoy and celebrate.
Worlds of Love,
Your post
Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42! Posted Sep 30, 2001
Would you mind telling me what has happened to you?
You sound very sad
The mourning of the past?
I am sorry if you have lost someone close.
I find most people like to talk about loved ones.
It lessens their loss, because it brings the loved one closer, in memory.
I will keep in touch.
Thank you for caring about Willem, and others.
Your post
itsallhappening Posted Oct 3, 2001
Dearest 7,
I have been through so much in such a short lifetime. I would have to start from the beginning and continue on. It used to be easy to bounce back. I know where they got the name of that movie "Bounce" that came out recently with the plotline that a woman loses her husband and has to go on without living him. I have learned to "Bounce".
I moved to France and the Carribean for a "geographical cure" which is what Willem would be doing by moving to New Zealand. It could work out well and I hope that he tries it.I am living in Mobile and have been going to school and doing massage for a while now and may be ready for another geographical cure myself.
I have had little help with my professional help with my emotional problems and have gone by Faith for a long time.I am looking at my relationships and the intensity of them from a better perspective with a lot of experience behind me. I am more cautious, not less trusting, but I find that I must withhold so much of the intensity that I have. I am also looking at the forgiving nature that may make me a target for some. I don't really want to talk about the tragedies I have endured in my life. Not on an open forum. Only to say that I can relate to people who are very sensitive in nature and care a lot about others, the way Willem does.
I have also taken a look at the nature of codependence. I am trying to take care of my own problems and not become overwhelmed with what I could do to solve someone else's problems; when I should be concentrating on my own solutions.
Enough. Time for bed. Thanks for asking. It is good to talk, but I can't get into specifics. The stories are too extreme and dramatic.
I am embarrassed and ask "Why me?" I know there must be a very good reason that I am still here and others are not. I have cried so much that it seems a waste to dwell on loss anymore. Better to look to the future and work towards doing some good while I am here on this earthly plane.
Worlds of Love,
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