This is the Message Centre for Niimaur

greetings Niimaur..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello and welcome to h2g2.smiley - hug
If you have joined to pay tribute to Douglas Adams, please post here: - blue
Thank you.
My name is Galaxy Babe and I have been with h2g2 for almost a year.
I like to help newcomers to the guide and I have made a page of interesting links here: - magic
I'd be delighted if you would take a look!smiley - cool
Have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - ok
If you would like to know anything about the site, or would just like a chat, just click the reply button and I will return. smiley - star
Hope to see you around the site!smiley - bigeyes

Galaxy Babesmiley - flyhi

greetings Niimaur..

Post 2


Hi Galaxy Babe. I noticed your responses whilst I was surfing the DNA tributes on Monday. It pulls you up short when something so unexpected occurs. I am sure that Douglas did not realise that he had already played his part in the quest for The Ultimate Question, and that he had hoped to be around when Computer Earth finally disgorged the final TRUTH - perhaps he will be/already has been (delete as appropriate).
I do not spend much time in H2G2 but I shall certainly look you up when I decide to dip into this fount of knowledge entertainment. For now, we shall all pay tribute to a great man in our own ways.


Stay hoopy, frude,

PS What is the reference to "instant messaging number"?

greetings Niimaur..

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

>PS What is the reference to "instant messaging number"?>
smiley - erm
Sorry, I don't understand your question.
Are you asking about something I have said?
Or elsewhere on h2g2?
Could you give me an url?

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