Journal Entries


Busy, busy, busy. Today was the last day of classes. I had so much homework. And now it's time for finals. Yay!

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Latest reply: May 5, 2001


Well, obviously, it's been a hectic week. Finals are coming up soon, so I'm spending quite a bit of time studying. I had a pleasant week, though, in spite of this. On Tuesday I went out with some old friends of mine whom I hadn't seen since last semester. On Wednesday I had dessert at the home of my philosophy professor, which was really a lot of fun. And then on Thursday I saw SPY Kids with my father, which was filmed here in Austin. I was an extra in The Faculty, another film by director Robert Rodriguez, and got his autograph, so now I feel a kind of loyalty to him. Also, my best friend's father may have done some of the filming on it (SPY Kids)...although I'm not sure. Today I'm up at school working on my philosophy paper and my chemistry homework, but tonight I'll go home with my parents to celebrate Easter.

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Latest reply: Apr 14, 2001


I'm way too tired to write much. It's 1:00 AM, and I still have to finish this last philosophy question! Philosophy is really much better done when one is awake... Fortunately, a bit of Red Bull is all I need.

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001


Today the girls from my floor are going to eat dinner at the home of the president of the university. It's exciting! Yesterday my roommate and I spent our entire day cleaning our room, which it desperately needed. For the rest of the day, I'll likely be working on my French homework and making some headway in Light in August by Faulkner. I wonder when I'll have time for chemistry...

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2001


I've just returned from my world literature class, and I'm about to head off to chemistry. Unfortunately, I'm an undeclared liberal arts student, so I have no real direction in my studies. Oh well. Hopefully I'll find a field of study sooner or later. As I've heard it reported that Calvin Coolidge once said, "Most problems can be solved by sitting down and ignoring them." Isn't that a fine sentiment from a president?

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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2001

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