This is the Message Centre for Xordin the curious

welcome Xordin..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello and welcome to h2g2.smiley - hug
I'm Galaxy Babe and I'm an Assistant Community Editor {ACE} and also a Guardian Angel.smiley - angel
One of a group of volunteers of more experienced researchers who like to meet, greet and hopefully, befriend newcomers to the guide.
I have prepared a page of links which you may find interesting! - magic
If you need any help at all; want to know something about the site, or just want a chat, please just click the reply button and I will return.smiley - cool
Have fun hitchhiking round!smiley - ok
~Galaxy Babe~

p.s. I also have a "Keepers" page, if you'd like to be listed as an official Keeper, please request your title at: - rocket

welcome Xordin..

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sorry that link is wrong...
should get you there!
smiley - ok

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