This is the Message Centre for TheAardvark
Hello TheAardvark....
Crescent Started conversation Mar 26, 2001
....and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor, or ACE
We meet and greet new arrivals, so hello
We also lend helping hands, if needed. So if you have any questions, or problems, or issues about the site, then click 'reply' below and tell us everything. We shall do what we can to make your entrance to h2g2 as painless as possible
So where is the name from? Cerebus? Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
Hello TheAardvark....
TheAardvark Posted Mar 26, 2001
Thank you for your warm greeting upon my stumbling entrance (that sound way too much like a Graham Norton joke).
The name harks back to an old joke about what I would do when I retired. It is also a reference to Aardvark Entertainments [URL removed by moderator] a business I am a partner in.
Hello TheAardvark....
Crescent Posted Mar 26, 2001
That URL is just about to me moderated out of existance *sigh* But too slow moderator! I know what it is
[URL removed by moderator], it is on the web as a UK company - work it out
Sorry about that Aardvark - the no URLs in fora really bugs me. However I am glad that I was a friendly face
Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
Hello TheAardvark....
TheAardvark Posted Mar 27, 2001
So, let me get this straight. The guide encourages you to enter URLs by converting them to clickable links. But then immediately deletes them if you add one to your conversation. I mean, it was hardly a plug was it? Just an explanatory reference for the answer to a question. If i was attempting to plug my business I think I'd want more coverage than a 2 person conversation.
Is it just commercial URL's? How about a reference to my non-commercial personal home page
Anyway. Back to work. Cheers Crescent. Catch ya further down as they say.
Hello TheAardvark....
Crescent Posted Mar 27, 2001
It will be ripped out, I do not know why - this is the most stupid rule h2g2 has. Makes my life more difficult, so the company you work for is aardvarkentertainments? Will have to go to the website, have a wee shuftey Until later...
BCNU - Crescent
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Hello TheAardvark....
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