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find Researcher

Back in April I came across someone's space where she said she had contributed to Amnesty International. She very sweetly answered a question I had and then we lost touch. I may have inadvertently deleted our conversation..... Haven't recognized her on who's online, but if there is a list of all researchers' names that I can access then I am sure I shall know her again. Anyone know where such a list can be seen? On reflexion, there must be over 170K researchers. Let random plunges into who's online suffice!

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2001



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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2001

fond of bikes?

May Honda and Kwacker forgive me I've bought a used Nissan Micra automatic. It's great, whoever needs a gearstick to fiddle with?
My excuse: My Jack Russell isn't like Oggy the late great who loved riding with me: this one fears bikes prefers 4 wheels. Can he truly be a jr? They aren't supposed to be afraid of anything.

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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2001

Easter morning

He has been raised, as he said he would be. Come and see ..

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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2001


Is it possible to display on "who's online" some kind of universal galactic stardate? Obviously I can't just ask for date and time, I'd just get my own local time (Greenwich Mean and in my view good enough for anyone on this rock) So I wonder: can someone explain how Capt.Kirk's stardate is calculated? Is some in-joke involved?

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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2001

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Researcher U170333

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