This is the Message Centre for pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

beauty & respect

Post 61

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - cryThat's so touching.

beauty & respect

Post 62

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Yes your right, metric. PKB

-- DoctorMO --

beauty & respect

Post 63

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

sorry...I can not follow nick name changes without any notice
...I am visual impaired

my nick name has not changed in about 5 years.

beauty & respect

Post 64

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

same here, 'I've been me scince I can remeber' smiley - winkeye

-- DoctorMO --

beauty & respect

Post 65

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Same here, only the bit behind the llama tends to change a lot.

beauty & respect

Post 66

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

So are you realy Ralph? or is that just a name?

-- DoctorMO --

beauty & respect

Post 67

Blue Bird

Dear Llama: thanks for your comment. Don't shed your llama tears though: the meaning of "The rose in a pot" story is not so touching when I'll tell you to you young people: you would have to recognize the symbolic meaning, find the abstraction hidden.

To make a long story short: Look up dr.KONRAD LORENZ writings. He got a Nobel Prize for his works studying animal behavior. ( Perhaps sounds familiar the word: IMPRINTATION?? JUST FOR A HINT.)

My poem is for symbolic presentation in order to draw conclusion about "human" (animal) behavior.

Re.: It is a splendid opportunity to make a judgment in a split of a sec. when you see " The rose in a pot" in the improper location.
It is not the ACTUAL view for " touching" your tender feelings, but
to draw conclusion how those people relate, think etc. in a given situation. You can see: these people don't care and have very poor basic education. And that is very useful to know if you came to a place for doing business there. I could have walked out, or give the opportunity to see for them: what is wrong. Based on my education: I choose to tell what is wrong and correct the mistake.

My young Llama: your sarcastic notion is very useful. I was waiting to tell what are these events good for. Learn and share! It is a pleasure for me to share! smiley - biggrin Gecko with my cold blooded smiley - love

beauty & respect

Post 68

Blue Bird

Dear pheloxi: thank you for the opportunity for this conversation. Today I wrote a long comment to our Researcher: "Llama" who wrote a note to my poem. smiley - smiley Welcome to read. smiley - cheers
About my name change? I'll explain tomorrow.
I have visual problem as well: the computer work is very difficult for me.
I can work only short periods of time.
I'll get back to you: promise. smiley - lovesmiley - biggrin Gecko

beauty & respect

Post 69

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Have you ever thought about getting a hearing speach program from your computer Gecko?

I find the Out of place to not just, but out of mind, even seen this rose is ignored and used. Your right it says somthing about the 'owners', and about people that do it to other of there kin.

-- DoctorMO --

beauty & respect

Post 70

ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604

Hello Pheloxi - this is REAL ChiKi back again! Someonone stole my password smiley - wah how is it these things go on here????

beauty & respect

Post 71

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

things are going well
....I hope have new password with complicate thing you only know. btw did you report it to one of the editors

hope you are alright

beauty & respect

Post 72

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Can't you change your password?

beauty & respect

Post 73


I'd like to share my "Bench" poem with you pheloxi

The Bench
I sit on Eve's pench, I take a pew
A wonderful bench to look at the view
I wonder how often she stood and looked
At this wondrous view before she was took.

Her bench is overlooking the sea she loved so much
The folk who put her bench here must have loved her touch.
A thoughtful touch for others to see
The view that Eve saw, before she was free.

My mother will have such a bench as this
To remind me and others of her wedded bliss
She had in days gone by.
Like a butterfly, wren or little rook.
Will hers be by a babbling brook?

No it won't because she was a country lass
So a bench by sea (or brook) would be crass
But not to worry, she's not dead yet...
...but a bench she will have! I won't forget!!

I wrote this when I was visiting somewhere and there was a plaque saying it was Eve's bench. Hope you like it I going to put it in Alternative Writing Workshop. Just thought I'd show you first (and practise my typing).......smiley - peacedove

beauty & respect

Post 74

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

very good....I like English dedication benches a lot!

sorry I did not react earlier,because after a while from my journals.

beauty & respect

Post 75

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

we have got to get ourselves in rhythm
wake up the heart that seems to have fallen asleep
send a wave of joy across the planet
synchronize 6 billion lives to one beat.

Howard Jones - celebrate our love (song) - revolution of the heart (album)

l smiley - love this idea!

beauty & respect

Post 76


smiley - lovesmiley - peacedove *-smiley - smiley **==

beauty & respect

Post 77


smiley - wow found that, but it's the bigger one with hands in the air and juggling that I can't find. smiley - sadface

I did try reporting about my lost password but I've changed my e-mail address since then. I hope you are having a nice day. smiley - zen

beauty & respect

Post 78

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

if you change your e-mail on bbc you will get an e-mail to confirm it!

I just did the same, because I terminated my overly spammed yahoo! mail addy.

beauty & respect

Post 79


do you mean to get a "bbc" e-mail address?

They asked me what my chikispirit e-mail address was and I had changed it. That was as far as I got.

beauty & respect

Post 80

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

no you get e-mail from the bbc!

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