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Post 1

Spangled Man

How do to anyone who has stopped to read this! You have reached the space of one Spangledman. I live in England and am feircly patriotic; but that doesn't mean I go abroad and beat people up! I do feel that I should apologise on behalf of my wonderful country for all the tossers that go to Football matches and do that.
I have recently learned that my piece of writting about Astral Projection has been put up for the edited guide, which is nice. Now I have the bug for all this 'research and writting' thing. I have many many interests that I love to read about and so hopefully I shall able to contribute a few more pieces soon.
Must just say though that I love this site. It's just a shame that Douglas Adams wont be able to see the fruit of his idea ten years down the line, when surely this site is going to be a H U G E fountain of information; some useful, and some, well, not so useful.
That's about it for now folks.

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Me, Myself and everything else.

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