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Dropping the line out

Post 1

LUCIEN-Scouting the web for the out of the ordinary

I to am someone in search of the real Truth. As I saw on your article you've read the Celestine books. What about Conversations with God Neale Diamond Walsch? Genesis revisited Zacharia Sitchin? Any of the Christopher Knight books--they deal with the history of the Templars, and they touch on the grail, you'll find the history, dealing directly with Jesus and then moving forward through time to the last grand master very, very, interesting.? Graham Hancock, anything at all is worth reading by him even if it is mainly speculation.

I'm curious to hear about your adventures in the only quest worth undertaking.

For instance on Enoch. Tenochtitlan, the city of Enoch, the capital of the Aztec empire. Remember that Enoch was the son of Cain. Cain was the one who was marked by "God" seperating them from all other peoples, and that he fled to the east of "eden". As one goes east from "eden" we find that man becomes increasingly hairless. In other words, europeans are for lack of a better term, hairy, and Mexicans most certainly are not hairy in any stretch of the term.

Dropping the line out

Post 2

Spangled Man

Cheers for forwarding on those book titles - I havn't actually read any of them, so it'll be nice to have a whole new range of sources to go to! There are some good sites on the web to do with the holy grail. I havn't got many listed, but this one is full of things with links out to a lot of other sources:
[URL removed by moderator]

I'm also glad to meet someone with the same interest in this area, so if you come across anything new or interesting then let me know. Likewise I'll do the same. I'm hoping to have a good factual artical on religion with some good points on where they are linked etc, and hopefully to end up with a good balanced artical about the origins, truth and proper meaning behind religion. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Dropping the line out

Post 3

LUCIEN-Scouting the web for the out of the ordinary

I'll certainly do that.

However, I don't know if you noticed or not, but the moderator has removed the url. See if you can put it on my space or something.

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