This is the Message Centre for Pete (ACE)

Hello Assassin

Post 1

a girl called Ben

Welcome to h2g2

I am a researcher, ambling around, welcoming new people, offering a few suggestions and links.

You seem to have worked out which buttons to press fairly well, already.

If you want some discussions, then "Ask the H2G2 Community" is a good place to start. (There is a thread there on homophobia, you could post your comments about men and lesbians there if you wanted). tells you which coversations have been updated the most recently.

And clicking on a smiley smiley - magic will take you to their home page which is full of instructions for making them.

If you need any help, either reply here, or click on my name at the top of this post, and drop me a line in my personal space.

All the best, and see you around

a girl called Ben

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