This is the Message Centre for Thorn

Hey Thorn

Post 1


Hey, remember me? I used to be The_Admiral on here back in the day and was Avatar ch'Thane back in the mages guild. Anyways, after two years in the us navy and having forgot my password and secret question, i'm back. Anyways, I just wanted to say hello. smiley - cheers


Hey Thorn

Post 2


Yeah I do. Wow. That's awesome.
& It's great running into you.
I'm taking organic chemistry right now and still tackling my bachelor's of science degree.

What was the ocean like?

Hey Thorn

Post 3


Depends on where one's at. If it's a swim call in the bahamas, then it's great. If it's trying to surface the submarine in the middle of a storm off the coast of scotland then not so much, lol. Yeah, most rich kids talk of driving sports cars and such, but I get to drive a $1 billion nuclear submarine. smiley - cheers

Hey Thorn

Post 4


smiley - cool.

I just push pencils and paper all day while putting together the muster to try and create a new plant/animal eventually one day.

Biotech is so totally a waiting game.

It does feel nice tapping into the inner mysteries of nature a bit though.

Wow, nuclear stuff is awesome. I remember having to do a bunch of papers on it as an alternative energy thing for environmental this or that. smiley - footinmouth California.

I heard they run relatively quietly compared to say diesel maybe?
They say some navies are opting to switch to a type of fuel cell that reoxygenates the cabin as it cycles...

Hey Thorn

Post 5


They can stay down longer than diesels. Technically we only have to surface when we need to replenish our stores. As for breathable air, we use electrolysis to make oxygen and use scrubbers and burners to get rid of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. It's pretty cool.

Hey Thorn

Post 6


smiley - cool Thanks. Nuclear submarines are pretty boffo neat.
smiley - smiley

Hey Thorn

Post 7


yeah, i have to admit though, it's a bit odd serving on a ship that's older than I am.

Hey Thorn

Post 8


I've never been inside a real submarine before. Just a semi-submersible glass bottom thing to look at fish.
smiley - yikes

Hey Thorn

Post 9


You wouldn't happen to have a deviant art page would you now?

Hey Thorn

Post 10


No, I don't think I do.

Hey Thorn

Post 11


Ah nevermind then.

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