This is the Message Centre for Thorn

hi Thorn

Post 21


There you go.
Huh! So we do have the same ACE. Fancy that.

hi Thorn

Post 22


Hope u dont mind. but ive put u on my friends list. smiley - smiley

hi Thorn

Post 23


Of course I don't mind.
Please feel free to if you want. By all means.

hi Thorn

Post 24


o.k smiley - hug
im stressed out at the moment so mind me.
at the moment my friend is annoying. Today i have a real test. And im ill (dying). i need cheering up! Help!smiley - wah

hi Thorn

Post 25


Okay Narvia. Depedns on what your humors's like. I have some black humor laced cartoons and some not so black humor laced ones that are a little lighter.
Uh, alot of the cartoonings I make are fairly sarcastic though but maybe one will amuse you a bit. Problem is I don't know your humor style yet.

If I don't have one I'll make one.
How does that sound?

hi Thorn

Post 26


smiley - hug
There's some stuff in the cartoons folder, some of it's old but I haven't exactly been very on top of that one lately and only tend to make these very occasionally. Something in there though.
As long as you don't turn around and sell it many of these if you like the design on one I let people download a copy say for their desktop or whatever. That's my online gallery.
It has about a little under 40 things in it and at least seven or so cartoonings about different things.
When it got rainy what I used to do is I'd draw.

hi Thorn

Post 27


Thanks very much but im afraid i cant get on at the mom cause im using a schools system so its banned, but as soon as i get onto a different system i'll let u know. The thought is there though. Cheers!smiley - hug Any films u cant wait 2 c this year? i cant wait 2 c Narnia:Prince Caspian.smiley - smiley

hi Thorn

Post 28


Oh, they made one of one of the later books, huh? smiley - bigeyes
I want to see Iron Man when it comes out in May here. smiley - laugh

hi Thorn

Post 29


University starts back up for me again on Wednesday.
smiley - hug

I'm not looking too forward to it yet I also don't regret it much.
Perhaps that's a bit odd.

hi Thorn

Post 30


Uh, yeah!smiley - erm i hope 1 day 2 go 2 uni. tell me how it goes.smiley - smiley

hi Thorn

Post 31


Hmm. *nod*
That I can do.

How are you?
I've got a thing today some sort of a formal event like some church party or something a friend of mine wanted me to go with him to so I put together a nice suit and things. Hmm.
I go back to school tomorrow. Need to get my things in order for that. smiley - ermsmiley - tea + smiley - artist,smiley - book

hi Thorn

Post 32


Ugh, i hate having to dress smartly. Do u? Good Luck with the party smiley - winkeye

hi Thorn

Post 33


It was a sales induction. smiley - rolleyes Yes he's my friend but this new company he works for has him brainwashed and he wanted me to become a vitamin salesman.

See? People pick up on when you're lonely and take advantage of it sometimes. I went anyway because I wanted to help him out but now I'm probably gonna be on their mailing list for awhile.

Otherwise he's a good guy. He helped me find my way around part of the university the first time around when I was just a freshman and I got totally lost.

there were some pretty girls there too, and people my own age. smiley - bigeyes
*snaps out of it* But they'd only be interested if I decided to work there and the work... last thing my dad who's a salesman will want is for his son (me) who's studying to be a doctor to also be a salesman. And I don't wanna anyway but I do kinda wanna buy some shares in it anyway. smiley - rolleyes
I checked in the newspaper and they're doing pretty well, plus the market is down. It would be a good time to buy if I did.

they tell you in business that you should buy when the market is low and sell when it's high. smiley - winkeye That's part of basic economics. smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Need to let the presentation pitch wear off.

Usually I'm not very gullible but I got suckered a little because it was a friend and we haven't had houseguests in a very long time.
smiley - laugh

hi Thorn

Post 34


R u lonely? is that y u chat on here?

hi Thorn

Post 35


Well, yes but no.
I am but I chat on here because I like the site.
The thing about virtual friends is they can only think and sort of verbalize things to you so it isn't the same as when you are face to face with somebody and you can read their facial expressions. Also there's no touch involved so to me it can't really replace say, hmm... let me think of an example,

hi Thorn

Post 36


...say when you're introduced to someone or you introduce yourself and you shake hands with them.

That's totally different.

I like the exchanging of ideas side of chatting with people online because there's some interesting minds. *shrug*

Well, that's true offline too. smiley - laugh

hi Thorn

Post 37


Yeah i get what u mean. But i still prefer meeting people the usual way for thats y we r human.smiley - smiley

hi Thorn

Post 38


Yeah. Exactly.

Both ways have their advantages but alot of conversation gets lost when it's only words on a page. The emoticons try to help but it would take alot to make a face that actually changed as you went by each part of a sentence. smiley - tongueout

yeah, no- I just always seem a touch gloomier on Valentine's day because I'm... I'm a loner and... the people who are in couples sort of use it to rub into everyone else's noses kind of.

Kind of a selfish reason not to like a particular holiday but the thing of it is who in the blazes am I going to send anything to?
I think I'll send a card to one of my grandmothers.
Both my grandmother's are widows so I think maybe they dislike the holiday even more than me because to be sure of it I think nobody ever sends them things because they live by themselves.

There, helping sad little old ladies. that's something nice, no?

hi Thorn

Post 39


smiley - smiley thats sweet! u may never know though, u might find a date on Valentines day. never give up hope!smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

hi Thorn

Post 40


smiley - erm I think I just lost someone who had wanted to be my girlfriend Narvia, but thanks.

Trying to get over that atm.smiley - teasmiley - laugh
smiley - groan

Nevermind that, there's important work to get done.

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