This is the Message Centre for Thorn


Post 141


Uh, about to go fetch a slice of pie my made; it has a happy face on it.

There was a crazy poor person who claimed that he was both a God and Satan today, at the train station, while I was waiting to get home. He laughed at his own jokes. smiley - yikes


Post 142


My mom made, I had meant.


Post 143

Malabarista - now with added pony

Mmm, pie! Enjoy.

smiley - yikes Well, maybe he was! smiley - winkeye


Post 144


First he said that he was God, or like some kind of an emissary. That he was 35, and had a 15 Yr. old son, but then...
he said: ALL LIEs! !!! I am not 35, I am Satan, I am 34...
I do not have a fifteen year old son, and do not have 2 sisters, but have ten cousins, and put on an accent that sounded vaguely jamaican and had some permutations as he repeated himself, about having ten cousins, and then that, maybe he was 105.
Somebody said "How come you are still alive" and he said, Um I put a curse on him, you. and then when back into it a few more times, repeating a few words out of order.

*shakes his head in his hand*

Never talk to somebody who lols to jokes inside their own head, then tells them to other people, but it turns out not other people, that the conversation is to themself.

Cherries. Both sour and sweet.
smiley - zen.
Yum yum yum.


Post 145

Malabarista - now with added pony

Stoppit, you're making me hungry - and I've just *had* breakfast!

We have one like that who hangs around the train station - begs, but wears new clothes every day, sometimes changes 4x a day!


Post 146


& also claimed to be a rapper, that he did not belong, to this, that, certain or the other ethnic group, and started over, wandering away, in his own voice again.

Lots of different crazy people downtown.

I'm just a biology-student.

*slouches leaning against a tree with something in his cheek and hands in pockets of coat*


Post 147


I'm sorry.


People tell me that this makes me evil...
it was funny, this one lady... all these "you hafta vote, so sign here for prop. #blah,blah blah" type people, they come and try to beat you up over the head into joining these PAC things. <- stands for political action committees.

She says "You have to vote no on this thing... *det diih duh duh dum duh* over here, they are going to fund research on stem-cells, don't you feel that that is immoral?"

And I explained to her that I was a biologist (in-training).

She so very rapidly began at backpedaling... after the bit of a pause and reshifting of gears to try and take this *new information* into account.

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh


Post 148

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - rofl It's fun to do that.

Here, some environmentalist group (I support that kind of thing in general, but they're annoying!) keeps popping up to ask "Do you have an alternative to oxygen?" - last time, I told them "Yes, we don't use it at home on Mars!" smiley - martiansmile


Post 149


My dad used to have a joke about dying of thirst in the Martian desert:
Ammon-ia! *p*ss* Ammonia!
smiley - skull


Post 150

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - rofl That one's so dumb it's funny. smiley - winkeye

But I'm afraid I must go soon - I seldom get the chance to go for a run with the dog these days, so I'll use the current opportunity...


Post 151


Er, smiley - martianfrown I had meant.

People need to get their heads screwed on, leastaways a little bit better, before they go feeling a need to judge and cast down lifestyle change pronouncements, or advocate any sort of really profound philosophical-outlook-on-life types of changes. smiley - yikes
My word...

smiley - tongueincheek.

smiley - rofl
Those b@$7$@rd$.

<- I swear in a combination of bits of 1337 and symbols.
Punctuation helps fill in nice gaps.
smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

If anyone is horrified by this, they are an overactive prude who will not be taken seriously in polite society, maybe.
You see, what is the point about going on about how 'proper' a thing is, if there is not also some sort of a "degree of tolerance" that goes along with it.
smiley - grrsmiley - flustered. <- smiley - roflx2


Post 152



smiley - winkeye It was fun posting with you.

Augh! 4AM?
smiley - online2long

Oh well. You know what I'm going to about to do... :

smiley - zzz


Post 153

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sleep well, then smiley - laugh

And don't 137 teh 1337 get you! smiley - winkeye


Post 154


smiley - monster

Um smiley - yikes Yes'm.

smiley - hugsmiley - ok Good night.

smiley - smileysmiley - laugh


Post 155

Malabarista - now with added pony

You're *still* up?

Watch out, or you'll turn into a smiley - pumpkinsmiley - laugh


Post 156


smiley - flustered *um, grumble-grumble*
Or a badger.

Which is still better than a sausage or a rutebega.
smiley - yikes

smiley - zzz


Post 157

Malabarista - now with added pony

Methinks you're pretty tired smiley - winkeye


Post 158


smiley - doh today was Veteran's Day for over here?!
*realizes it.*

-_-; - oh, so that's why they hadn't let any of the doors into the science building unlocked.

smiley - grr.

smiley - sadface


Post 159

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - rofl I see.


Post 160


smiley - blue

Still smiley - yikes a test on some computer programs that's going to be on Tuesday. smiley - doh

*feels like there is smiley - friedegg on his face*
smiley - footinmouth

Oh well, I'm ready to play Beta, to try and join my place as a part of cast and crew,- as soon as other people are ready & when the time is right.

smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

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