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Polictical Definitions.
Lash LeRue Started conversation Sep 2, 2006
Little bird told me you were looking for some.
It is illegal to make liquor privately or water publicly
- Lord Birkett (Attributed)
*Disclaimer. The aforementioned "little bird" was in fact not a little bird at all but is in fact one Dmitri Gheorgheni, resident of some other plane... possibly a Boeing.*
Polictical Definitions.
Thorn Posted Sep 2, 2006
Thanks LeRue. Hit the spot,- that did.
*Acts as though he were drinking a beverage*
"Excellent draft,- quality of the roast... hmm,- superb." .
Polictical Definitions.
Thorn Posted Sep 2, 2006
I've a part-time sometimes hobby as a satirist, and well- it's amazing sometimes the well-spring, springwell of material that history, and politics,- and indeed politics,- seems to throw out there.
Society too come to think of it.
Polictical Definitions.
Lash LeRue Posted Sep 3, 2006
If I think of anymore I'll run em by you.
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Polictical Definitions.
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