This is the Message Centre for Thorn
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jun 5, 2006
now i'm worried.. so your ma broke her knee and your partially to blame!! how'd that happen? were you being a wicked thorn?
seriously i hope shes better now.. she always had knee problems didn't she? hope you are helping around the house.
i say the same to crystal.. she lives with her gran.. freeloads off her more like.. she lives there rent free and shes 24 now.. even when she has a job she doesn't contribute anything which i don't agree with.. i think kids should pay a small ammount towards their keep if they have a job..
thats why she lives there and not with me, cos i'd make her pay.. not a huge amount... she was earning 120. a week i'd expect 25. i think it teaches youngsters that life isn't free and you have to pay your way...
but the old woman would rather spoil her to spite me and shes the loser in the i said to crystal yesterday [went to visit her in the big brother type clinic] she should be helping her gran more.. that way it may seem as though shes earning her keep... she said she will do more... i won't hold my breath...
i'm off to spain for a week tomorrow so won't be online for that time...but will catch up when i get back...
be good in that time eh
bye for now
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jun 10, 2006
Spain is a very-interesting place. They hasve lots of weird-funny looking buildings & stuff, in addition to all that old-historical whatnot. Europe is lucky... The oldest stuff here is only a few hundred years at best.
No, it was because she was so busy yelling at me,- that she wasn't looking where she was going and hurt herself. Drives herself into a frenetic,- er... corrective frenzy.
*Thus is why am online(&the , 'more prefeered' Offline) ... tiptoeing on eggshells.
<- .
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jun 10, 2006
Preferred that is (drat my lousy typos).
I can't enjoy... al-ways being told what to do all the time.
When she gets it gets worse... because then her instructions will flip-flop, & then contradict themselves. Or she will get mad that we are obeying "wrong" without telling us,- then get all histrionic likes and/or try to cause arguments.
Wheels directly over to my 'Evil' grandparents -> on her side.
My 'Evil' grandparents on Dad's side should be left to deserve their own little-spot of infamy.
Relatives are all sort of conspiratorial-sycophants,- who don't realize that the inheritance they all keep vying for the affections over obtaining parts of,- is rapidly being spent by the grandparents... on themselves. My little nuclear subunit is the that is disliked because we do not play the "suckup-vacuum brown-nose game."
*Making whirring vacuu-cleaner noises... to poke a joke at the decade that spawned all that horror... the 1950s.
Well... 1980s must've been tacky... I mean,- wearing stuff that didn't match (like socks or shoes), and on purpose? With clashing colors?
*Feels confused and then_faints*
Only joking.
Sort of.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jun 10, 2006
I might have a tiny-sort of date with a female friend of mine... but usually what winds up happening at the end,- when "push-comes-to-shove" and actually setting one of the things up, and trying to schedule it is... I wind up getting stood up. Or the person flips out and decides I suddenly am "very, very -last fall" or whatever. Or they disappear, 180 and decise they hate me, &/or otherwise try and make things be a sad little mess of dashed-in ideas by lying and saying they'd love to, etc. etc. yes, really, and then... but without sarcasm (at the time . Why, they will declare and declare that they mean it, sometimes... well, not exactly >declare< but... you know what I mean.
Go on and go on very quickly about how they would be looking forward to it/excited, et cetera, and then... well... I don't know what happens just then. usually I wind up finding myself by myself, just as usual. Which sort of makes arranging things in advance seem like somewhat of a terrible waste. I save up money... Work hard to earn it to, and then...
Oh well. I do not think exactly that this one would do that to me, exactly... but somehow,- trying to go see, do, or eat something with someone, somewhere,- can absolutely bring out the worst sorts of s in certain types of people. You know,- maybe it's because if it's somebody female who I'm not related to, that means chances are they will at least seem less
, evil (at least, or if so, then in somewhat different ways *laughs a bit weakly*)... at-first.
& it's not like its a "date" type of date-either.
"Just" as "friends" ... Is what I calmly say, and explain,- re-explain "with you?" "Well..." *Looks around... can't be the guy at the other end of the hallway, he's gay or metro?... Or there isn't anybody else around). "Yeah, exactly; sort of, kind of (that's sort of the why I'm the one who is asking)." *Shrug*
Then they get into micromanaging the dfetails of how everything has to be done this and that and a certain way... that could put even Frankenstein's into a fashion-obsessed state, which apparently is the why behind, how... "if it could be with me," but that essentially that means I would have to be not me. Can't ever suggest that they try being somebody nicer, like they seemed to be a second or two ago, aye?
. Can't suggest to them not to try and redecorate the crud out of the look I already took a long time to cultivate (and besides... if it were anything super formal,- it's sort of a no-brainer to dress nicer than on a normal when/whatever would be).
But... this friend of mine is very nice. Never tricked me before... at least... not-in-any sort of a sinister manner. & we would only be going as friends, for a bit of a sip of and a chat about things.
I'm afraid all the crud that's been going on lately has shoved me into too grim a way of... well, to be fun or entertaining.
So there is some gray bits in my right eyebrow. Some people tell me that adds character. & she likes odd things, unusual stuff, and er...
Well, so there we go, there we go. Yes, the one I may have mentioned earlier(?) who had the very pleasant seeming (to me anyway) sort of .
& my friend and I may as well give up on our webcomic becuase my mom is being just-about impossible. *Sulk*
Tomorrow I carry every single thing that is too heavy or extremely awkward for her to reach the shelf that it's on-stuff, to every store that she goes to, and she shops alot sometimes. I only like shopping wehen there are things to look at, and more if I have money to actually shop with.
Makes you wonder why I don't exactly join in the ranks of neighborhood , hoods, who probably like to shoplift. Actually, many of them are dandy auto-mechanics aspiring, and a few have garage bands. They don't like us though. We are "too different." Suburbs make me feel like being in part of something like an
Everything has to be rigidly identical.
Nonconformism keeps growing... the more-repressive everything around me seems to get... One day it may become my own undoing. Why,- just the other day I told my mother that she was "the system" when she had subdivided every single possible spare and unaccounted moment of "free-time" in such a way as to be dictating exactly what it was that was to be had for "fun" (answer? More housework). Do sane people vacuum every day?
Father and I had to talk her out of that one; it was almost like signing a nonaggression pact, or a treaty. He gets work to go out of the house. When I am out of the house she calls me. fusses about how dare I show up unscathed,- when supposedly all this civil unrest or urban war- gunfights... etc, is supposedly going on everywhere.
Trying to explain to her that it isn't... is beside the point; the point, as she sees it, is to obliquely wish ill-will upon me in every possible imagined shape or form, all in the name of "worrying"... so that she can probably have something as a 'reason'. well, as a matter of fact, I don't count my money in public, while arguing with dangerous seeming toughs, or brutes who could outmuscle me, with my wallet out there for everybody to see. She thinks every time I go out, will get mugged and/or shot and/or stabbed and is angry that I go where I say that I will... or not, but usually say so. I had to explain to her how to check text-messages and voice-mail on the new cell-phone,- but I am afraid it may be unsettling to her to have somebody as much younger as myself try and explain how the high-tech whozits work. it's very tricky trying to explain it to somebody who will not let anyone else touch the mouse and/screen while you are attempting to show them... but She was happy when I finally explained how that all worked.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jun 16, 2006
your mothers accident... i had something like that happen many years ago... during an argument with my ex stormed downstairs only to slip on a comic annual ONE of the girls had left out on the stair...
cracked my left knee, which is always the troublesome one.... seems i am left with arthritis in it due to the injury... for many years i had thought corinne was the comic leaving culprit.. but lately crystal is owning up to it
hey so you had a kind of date.... you have to stop being so down on yourself... negativity only breeds more negativity.. so think positive and you and your unusual eyebrow will prevail.. actually sounds as if you might have some scarring that causes the hair to grow in a different colour.. but sometimes it just is....
as for sane people vaccuming every day...ahem.. i vaccum every day i hate to see crumbs on the floor.. plus we have a long haired dog.. but even without the longhaired mutt i would still vaccumm every day.. so i can catergorically state that your mom is not mad... well about the hoovering thing anyway..
spain was interesting lots of the spanish were rude and have no manners. weather was lovely over there but its also hot over here too..i wouldn't go back.. beach and pool holidays are not my thing even though there was a theme park to break it up... portadventura is the spanish universal studios.. it even has the old indiana jones and the temple of doom [templo del fuego] which i 1st saw in florida in 91...
its way behind the florida park, but the people there are surly and miserable why bother with it i say? best to go to paris disney which is very good even by florida standards... and not so oppressive heat
bad luck in that i have a stinking cold, nose streaming the works ah well i hope you are in better health.. and remaining the slave for your mom
how long before she forgives and forgets?
i'm off to blow my nose.... cue sound of ocean liner type horn....
bye for now thorny weird eyebrow
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 13, 2006
For awhile she changed her mind,- says that she reinjured it is more of dad's fault than mine; but, both of ours- (just to make sure nobody is mistaken!). That date hasn't happened yet, but she has been talking to me still, and that's a good thing, right? *Shrug*
I was fighting depression all off & on for a whole month.
Guess loneliness is one of my stronger personal demons.
It won't even be a proper one. A proper demon is something I could @ least play cards with, maybe...
Joking aside though, the summer school course I am taking is neat. It's in social psychology & the professor is kind of a goth. The paper was tough, but the lectures are great.
I still have a paper to finish though .
Haven't been on here, in-so,- long... . You know why.
+ *housework* + *grumbling*
Oh well... I want to try at making another guide entry when I'm caught up in the assignm,ents for this course thing. 10 things it _is to do, in California. Maybe.
Let's see... one of them was going to be:
There were others...
As well as some warnings & disclaimers...
Satire & parody are so fun,- I've missed those.
Yeah, she has arthritis too. *nods*
Dad and I have bonded,- over the course of mother's rampages,- it was strange. Bonded at least
, somewhat, that is.
I have to write an essay about unearned racial, social, class, blah,blah- privelages that I have. She's making everyone do that. Professor... is odd. It's for a deliberate point though. she said it is supposed to be hard,- since most people are predisposed by culture (& stuff), to have an easier time complaining about how they'd like to have >more< privelage, & don't notice the advantages of what they already do have. *Shrug* Whenever I have a hard assignment, my parents complain that I am taking "too long,- way too long" on it. Sometimes they are right. I'll admit that. I mean, hey,- I'm blogging right now, & that isn't exactly finishing up my paper.
. Other times though, when they look @ the assignment & do a double take because it is that tricky... well, let's say I shouldn't be an evil boy,- but... sometimes that's kind of funny,- looking back on it. Well, they probably think some of my blunders & misperceptions are kinda funny too sometimes. mad
-in-training afterall. There's bound to be my own fair share of those. Ex: picking an item at the restaurant, on a menu,-... that just takes forever for me, sometimes.
So, well, historically Spain &...
*, decides to shut-up. US shouldn't be throwing stones, when the same is true for them, but more recently, so to speak*
Maybe it was that armada incident *shrug*
I don't know...
I didn't catch how the soccer cup turned out. Not surprised US team lost. might be a bit too much of a cooperative "team" sport...
Dad says it took a long time for it to catch on here because of how players only get one point for a goal, instead of being able to get seven, like for with a touchdown in well, we call it football, but to everybody else, that's soccer, so, if I call it soccer, that doesn't work either. The one that has the lemon shaped ball... yeah, that one.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 13, 2006
, point taken...
*tries to back pedal, too late *
Yeah, emotional scarring maybe. .
Well, *laughing* but I'd much rather be off making things, & doing mad-scientist type stuff... make a ed vacuum that can do the floors & the rooms, by itself. *Shrug*
. Yes, they already have one. I'd want to make a better one. Never understands why I want to make things, much. Took dad a long time to figure that one too, come to think of it.
There is a bit of a movie... someone had referred to me, yes,- hatter showed it to me too, one time. It's called Vincent. Maybe,- it's kind of like that. . Had to do with either Tim Burton or Edward Gorey. I can't remember which. Oops.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jul 14, 2006
good god where the hell have you been??? sorry to hear you've been depressed.. do you mean just a bit down or truly truly depressed...
good that you're getting into the college work and whats with the summer school.. don't you get a break?? school finishes over here next week for 6 weeks.. i can't wait as it means i won't have to get up early...
i'm still vaccuming every day.... its funny cos my eldest daughter has ocd.. but hers manifests in order and such, and yet her carpets can be all crumbs which i couldn't tolerate...but she must have cupboards with military organisation... strange thing eh?
middle daughter is off at a festival with her girlfriend.. she lives with her gran so i don't know which one....i've given up worrying about her cos i'd always be worried if you know what i mean
weather has been heatwave level 3 some of the time... we're not prepared like you over there... although i did invest in a mobile air conditioner last summer.. it works a treat but is too noisy...
have you seen dead mans chest yet??? we loved it tell me what you thought.. if you've seen it... haven't heard of the vincent movie, but often films come out much sooner with you so i might hear about it in a month or so....
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 16, 2006
School is to get away from home, for a bit.
Mom was convinced it was her idea... when it started to work.
Funny, when it was a lousy idea it belonged to dad. .
I haven't seen it. Mom, dad, & my little brother saw it. Mom rather liked it. Dad thought it was good/alright.
I Got dragged to church today, go see a play. Kept going on about looking over my shoulder, trying to make sure to see that I was enjoyiong the thing, then asked me a whole bunch of times.
It was alright. It's a tad cliqueish still, even though the new minister is pretty casual & avante garde, but in a friendly sort of way. Some of the people there remembered me from when I was a whoee-tike @ Sunday school. My dad's friends the so-and-so's, you know how people in church do that... etc. etc. They started going again, but for along time they didn't even want to go back because of how clique-ish it had gotten the way it used to be. Yeah, that guy acts sorta like a godfather to me a little sometimes, like he gave both me a swell Christmas present one time, & treated my little brother to icecream at this neat parlor he knew about, and him & dad have these conversations back and forth switching between farci & english every so often. For some reason I find myself annoyed when People do that in certain of the more-asian languages, like I totally wasn't there,- if it was in the middle of a conversation w/said person & somebody else pops in, they suddenly switch focus &, it'/s like they are the best of friends while you are out there going inside your head... "why was I talking to that person for? Do think I am a rock in potted soil?" Well, not like it's overtly racist exactly. I understand when its partners for a project or soemthing, & if its at their house, but...
Like, one time, a Korean friend of mine's mom was looking for his tennis racket, & he'd been kinda reluctant/hesitant to have the physics project we had to do, the part that was @ his place, because his mom didn't speak English very well. I didn't know a lick of what was being said, but when she just could not figure where it was & he couldn't, well, I'm good @ finding stuff, especially if it isn't my stuff, like if it is something someone else is looking for, or an object that doesn't belong to anyone & is outside laying there. Like treasure hunting sorta. }bing!{ I find the racket, exactly the least likely place it would be expected to be at (the first place most things that are lost or missin g tend to show up, when they do), and I have to say his mom was rather impressed. I don't know what he was embarassed about. Maybe it's because I live in a house & him in an apartment? I dunno, but I don't care a whole ton about how messy other people's rooms are, or if they live in a small-ish house, people where I live all tend to shout anyway, so it never feels like that much more space. & it wasn't either. Real Estate here is like gone to the dogs... obscene... etc. Just, up, up, up... while everybody lobs these banners that say "affordable" or have these slogans about it when they are proposing the development projects... *Shrug*
I wish they'd take care of the poor, instead of trying to shove the poor out. The city gov't isn't very nice to people. Uhnless they are rich people. Then they want them to move in, & spend lots of spending money on all this stuff they keep on raising the price of stuff to. Excuse me while I go throw up. It isn't the fault of every single member of the urban poor, that a large-chunk of them are homeless or wind up in tenements. I've worked with real homeless people, who had to go through hell & high water to get basic sustainence & housing credits,/vouchers, sometimes, at times, and on occasion, and the way it's all carried out in paperwork & bureaucrat attitude is that it is the fualt of the poor that they are poor. But,- There can be good & bad poor people, just like how there can be good & bad middle-class people, and good & bad rich people. The mayor doesn't do a thing to help the poor. He's an embarassment, @ least when it comes to any sort of humanitarian goals.
Um, where? Literally depressed, stuck in bed, & room*. Couldn't go online because of how computer gets taken away at the drop of a hat. I just have to wait through several layers of unpleasant "you wills", do said "you wills" & then, maybe I get a moment or two here or there, that is "legit" to be online for fun, but then the next day the laptop ... }Poof!{. Each parent will claim that the other is the one who took it away, & that I need to negotiate with them.
Dad doesn't seem to mind it as much that I blog... unless,- I stay up too late, or he gets a tad jealous,- which is weird, because he sorta does some stuff like that for fun too.
I stayed behind to work on a paper that was due. The whole rest of the day I just-couldn't get >any< time to sit down and work on it. Had to wait until mom, her mother (my grandma), dad, & my little brother were all out of the house in order to be able to think a bit to/for myself. Mom was rather upset with that. I'm not sure what grandmother thought. She looks down on people alot, maybe. Mom does too kinda. Dad had to pull some strings to get mom to let me actually stay home instead of seeing the movie, while mom kept on going about how it was a great shame that I didn't come with them to see the movie, after it. A friend of mine & I were kinda going to see that one, planned it out earlier... sort-of like a date, just because we are friends sorta. *Shrug* This friend is different, & she and I are still talking. We talk from time to time. Mainly in text-messages via cellphone .
She seems a bit much understanding sometimes,- which even though she does not exactly bring it up or anything, maybe she has kinda a messed-up home sit. too. Her's might be worse than mine.
I don't care. Still my friend, etc. & they said that yes,- they would like to go out with me sometime. Didn't make all sorts of "but,-"s either. I was a little too caught off guard.
My brother teases me alot about how he thinks I have a girlfriend. that it happens to coincide with when he sees something pink kicking around in the house. I tried explaining to him that no,- I date people, once in awhile, & have a very few times, but that is all,- but he couldn't exactly absorb that very well, & well, thankfully his attention caught on to something else going on,- & he ran off to go do that. I think it was a video or some plant. He's very into planting & gardening now, but sometimes he gets angry/frustrated at the seeds for not growing as fast as he would like. Maybe I can fin somewhere where I could buy some plant hormones like some auxins & cytokinens, & then I could do the mad-scientist thin g and experiment on some of the plants so that he gets a "big monster plant" that's really tall & stuff. then maybe he'd be glad to have a screwball-inventor-ish guy for an older brother, instead of upset that I don't like to wrestle. I just don't have the build for it. I'm better as short-quick burst of speed type things. He's more of a wrestler. Sometimes when we do roughhouse, I'll get the better of him in an open space by moving in such a way as to suddenly be facing behind him or off to one side, just exactly the opposite side to where he is charging in front of himself. He and I don't seriously hurt eachother,- I would say, but sometimes very occasionally there have been times where either I do not know my speed, or other times where he does not know his own strength.
I've been going through all sorts of flaming hoops just to go online, as much as I do. Which isn't as much, anymore, I know. .
My dad is in the process of getting through these publisher maze-circle thingies toward getting his manuscript published into a book. He talks about it sometimes, but I have never seen it really. Read some pieces once or twice online, where he writes them,, & sometimes he talks about the stories. He said that when he was my age he used to have to jot down ideas on scraps of paper or in a notebook too, - because of how just having to drop everything to do something else, again (& again, & again), tends to make spur of the moment stuff that might hold promise just like disappear or whatever, I guess. Ideas for things.
Sometimes I have to set myself off all alone in order to be able to think straight.
The loneliness of here is sometimes bothersome. Dad says maybe he should have stayed in Europe, or gone back... mom wants to retire somewhere in the carribean. My pipe-dream is to afford a large- & somewhat creepyish Victorean, & to give a neighborhood code committee complete hell, by being a mad-scientist, or such.
Leave them baffled.
"But,- the code-book doesn't address the issue of automated garbage-cans, mailboxes (insert the item in question)." "Oh, well,- it seems it doesn't."
*adjusts the way of being nonconforming so as to fit within the new loophole now that the old-one gets closed*
Maybe run for D@*n president.
Nah, they wouldn't want a smart-alec like me.
I'd veto things they'd cry about , & vote things that made the other guys feel very justifiably upset. Not to be mean,- but just because there are a lot of ways people in power like to take advantage of lulling everyone into complacency,- without actually doing much to help- anyone about the actual issues in question, sometimes. Sad to say it, but it is so. Then again, I doubt they'd want to take seriously somebody who thought -about reopening Project Bluebook because maybe they just hadn't happened to look for the s hard enough, etc. etc.
There were a few bizarre phenomena there though. A few were things involving balls of light, sorta like the Foo fighters that went over those fighter planes in a few of those wars...
, I try not to unnecessarily upset mother, but now and again even that I am obeying her still makes her upset,- because it wasn't as she was asking me to do or say said thing to said aim, or because if I am trying to do it while she is still describing the task, well,- supposedly it isn't good listening... *laughs a little nervously*
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 16, 2006
Vincent is a n older movie. It's like a "short" kind of.
Someone else I know of showed me a link to virtual copy of it that's free on a film-clip website, that I think was called youtube or something like that.
My friend hatter had it on a recorded VHS. Now they don't even let people record their own copies of things anymore. Prefer a single-digital version that you pay the television company some extra for, to be able to use. CDs DVDs are a pain to try and record more than one thing onto.
Yeah, it's not exactly "media piracy" if it's older movies or obscure stuff that other people could care less towards. Only if it's something huge that the mainstream fusses over....
Maybe I can check my history button and see if the link is still there. I usually wipe the thing every so often so as to not have it look like I've been screwing around,- if I have been more than I should have. That makes them want to take it away. My parents are actually more lenient than some of the other kid's parents I knew that I'd gone to school with. They let me pretty much look up or watch whatever I feel like to on the television, read whatever I like, & search for whatever I feel like. It's just the getting it to be for me to set down all the other tasks that are going on & would otherwise fill up the day quite easily, in order to get a good few hours every so often, now and again. Other parents put these dumb boxes on their television to control what and how much/when, their kid can watch tv. Clever kids know how to get past a dumb filter though. Truely objectional content is one thing,- then it's actually reasonable. But attempting to limit a person's ability to form their own decisions by quashing any sort of differeing outside opinion,... is sort of right nasty.
. You see, but the open-mindedness sometimes works itself to a disadvantage, for, y'know, times when say I form a different sort of belief or judgment of something.
They're pretty
folks. *nods*
Now, where was that link? I'll find it.
It was either Burton or Edward Gorey & it was in blak & white.
About a little boy who liked to think he was a madscientist or Edgar Allen Poe.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 16, 2006
Oh, let's see. Typo revision:
either Tim Burton or Edward Gorey & it was in black & white.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 16, 2006
But, I'm thoroughly biased.
You see, another asian friend of mine whose family owns a bigger house than mine & is more affluent I don't necessarily mind either.
To me... if anybody ever wanted to get down to the very core of the problem, perhaps it is that when it comes to matters of "race", the human race is inherently flawed. Perhaps sometimes very flawed.
. Yet somehow civilizations still do manage to progress. Hmm...
well, people of every ethnicity are capable of being rude or polite. Suppose it's just that when different cultures don't overlap quite as neatly in regards to what exactly is considered the being polite or being rude. . You see, my friends and I who see and try to find overlaps & explore what makes something funny, or at least talk about it, in conversations sometimes, well...
there are a number of both eastern and western comedies that delve into or at least use the device of manners in a certain way. I guess that sometimes it will be funny to watch a character in a story try to remain diplomatic and lie to save face about something it is that they don't really actually much like or enjoy, but then the audience gets to see the character being made uncomfortable or wincing about it, at the same time claiming otherwise and that the opposite is true.
Brings up a question of whether slapstick is universal or not, too. . I guess another part may be that since its a made-up character as opposed to themselves or somebody they know in their regular & everyday lives -personally, another aspect may be that this makes it somewhat of a relief then.
Really hard to analyze and dissect humor without inadvertantly killing it in the process.
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jul 16, 2006
your parents are very strict with you there young thorny.... i'm not saying strict isn't good.. i was definitely not strict enough with my 2 eldest.. but that was also not my fault as my exs family kept interfereing..
if the girls didn't like rules at my house, they just went to live with their nan my ex mother in law.. who would let them do whatever they wanted... one time i found out crystal was smoking i'm very anti smoking, so i asked her nan not to give her any money at all, as she was buying cigarettes, she was only 15... 2 days later i catch her again.. ask how she afforded it.. and yes the stupid spiteful old woman had given her £10.00.. after i had expressly asked her not to...
now crystal is addicted, so thank her stupid old gran for that... are your parents more stricter..say than your friends??
we try to be strict on summer but always give in.... shes 9 and uses the computer when she likes.. she goes on looney tunes and sites.. no troubles there i hope
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 16, 2006
They don't let me go on as long or as often as I might like, but they do let me read, watch or look at pretty much whatever I wish to.
within good reason, of course. Some of my friends have parents that are stricter and some of them have parents who are more lax.
In Silicon Valley, there is somewhat of a perpetual pushing & shoving grudge match thing that many people have, to be anxious about making sure that their children are each (and all, some irony there ) the very most accomplashed and outperform every other person's kid around. Needless to say, not everyone is exactly snotty-all the time, but there are many, many people who are all social climbers.
Well let's see, have to include myself a bit there.
Middle-class, I am. Competition over many things is rather a bit insane,- sometimes it brings to mind lizards scrabbling in packs to get to some sort of a meat-pile. Everybody wants to be the top lizard_ I mean, he (or she) gets to have the prime or first choice of when to eat and how much to get; everybody else fights over table scraps of what's left, yes? Well, it isn't always that obvious, or as bad as I make it out to be. There are nice things too. Not much "community" on the one hand, but lots of information & ways to get skills and tools and things... *Shrug*
My dad says that whatever a place claims it has over and over/alot, is what it ... may (actually) want (very much, if it turns out that it indeed doesn't have that). Mom said something similar to me once, in an not quite altogether so very different set of terms, even though I cannot think it would be the same way dad would have described it in a political way, since they have different political views towards things & tend to view eachother's "group/party" stance as somewhat grating at times,... sometimes. Occasionally.
Here is an online version of that Vincent film-clip I was telling you about, turns out it was by Tim Burton afterall. *Shrug* Makes sense.
I never have seen the ending to it before, and the load-time is a little slow as is compared to the rate of when you pop in a video & can simply watch it on tv. Digital isn't always better. That's directly at odds with the pro-digitization mantra that goes by all so commonly over here, but... *shrug* What ever. .
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 28, 2006
Things seem to finally be going a tad better now.
*knock on wood*
How are you?
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jul 31, 2006
hi de hi thorny
sorry i seem to have missed replying to a post... probably cos i have been stressed... work has been crazy, really have to graft like hell thru a shift and its been extremely hot over here... last week we were hotter than jamaica...
had trouble with my exes family again.. how long have i been divorced? 12 yrs now.. and remarried for 10 yrs 10th of this month.. you'd think they'd move on and leave me alone now wouldn't you....
take my advice thorny..DON'T marry young....i'd say wait until you're late 20's.. in the bible the marrying age for a man was 30.... which is good sound advice... however.. ahem girls were married off at 14 or 15 so they weren't all right
do your very best never to have a divorce, as the backlash will never end.. either that or move countries
also involved in this ex family thing my 2 older girls loyalties tested.. the eldest furious at their harrassment of me has defended me, but the middle has been very unsupportive and uncaring, so we aren't speaking.. and believe me that will probably go on for years
so lots of worries and stress.. i need lots of
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 31, 2006
to hear it.
Nah, I don't want to get married yet. Not 'til a long ways away, I kind of hope. Wanna wait until I have kind of an established place for myself already, you know,- financially stable and et cetera, et cetera...
There are times when I do think life could be improved by a bit of companionship occasionally here & there. *shrugs*
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? Posted Jul 31, 2006
don't fear you'll have the companionship thing... don't know how you feel about sex before marriage but in most peoples case they will.. and so might you... just don't be having any baby thorns cos then you are trapped, and your girlyfriend changes like brittany spears..
look at her from super sexy fox to tracksuit wearing slob... and as for her using pig of a husband.. he isn't even all that good looking
Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
Thorn Posted Jul 31, 2006
Lol. Do I have to look at them?
, mainstream-edness... x_x;
Yeah, I don't want to have kids yet. Pretty sure I'd be a bad influence on my own, if I had any.
No, on sex... well, I don't feel like I'd "have to" sleep with anyone.
Well, it seems that people and the media, cultures, etc. they get so worked up and frothing and churning about things in regards to it.
In that dopey "family-life" thing they have in the public system ( do they call that commons over there? , huh.), well, they don't really explain the biology or the scientific part to it. Really only went into somethin somewhat about what puberty was.
I dunno. Me I'm happy just sometimes getting to date people, I suppose.
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Oh, for the love of weird (wyrd?)...
- 161: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jun 5, 2006)
- 162: Thorn (Jun 10, 2006)
- 163: Thorn (Jun 10, 2006)
- 164: Thorn (Jun 10, 2006)
- 165: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jun 16, 2006)
- 166: Thorn (Jul 13, 2006)
- 167: Thorn (Jul 13, 2006)
- 168: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jul 14, 2006)
- 169: Thorn (Jul 16, 2006)
- 170: Thorn (Jul 16, 2006)
- 171: Thorn (Jul 16, 2006)
- 172: Thorn (Jul 16, 2006)
- 173: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jul 16, 2006)
- 174: Thorn (Jul 16, 2006)
- 175: Thorn (Jul 28, 2006)
- 176: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jul 31, 2006)
- 177: Thorn (Jul 31, 2006)
- 178: Thorn (Jul 31, 2006)
- 179: flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk? (Jul 31, 2006)
- 180: Thorn (Jul 31, 2006)
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