This is the Message Centre for Athon Solo

London calling....

Post 1


Hello and welcome to the guide as moderated by the BBC. I'm Androyd and the ACE bit stands for Assistant Community Editor. My job is to help you as a new/returning user find your way around. If you are a new user then please click on this link:

IF you are returning then I'll just say hi for now. Since some of us have been testing the site prior to opening so if you are worried/unclear/upset by any of the changes then get in touch as quite a few issues have been argued through and I can point you in the direction of where the debate is raging.
Changes are strange and unsettling but they are the price we HAVE to pay to keep this thing going. I still believe its worth it but that doesn't stop me arguing about stuff. So get stuck back in and enjoy!!!

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London calling....

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