Journal Entries

Finding the Money

I am in the process of scraping up the money for my triumphant Return to Kyoto. This is actually Part 2 of the process; Part 1 was when I went to Kyoto for the first time last winter and fell in love with the city, and Part 3 will be when I actually move there, probably late next year.

I have decided that part of the way in which I will finance my trip is by investing a portion of my salary in the foreign exchange markets. Another source of income will be selling some travel articles I have written. The vast majority of the dollars, however will come from my (expletive deleted) day job.

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2001

My New Hobby

Well, this place is fascinating. I have already discovered more cool things simply by following links from this community than I have in my previous years on the Web.

For instance, I now have a new hobby, which is constructing model languages. I always thought that I was the only person who made up their own languages and alphabets for fun; now, it turns out there is a whole community for this sort of thing, complete with websites, discussion forums, and hints and tips.

I think that building a language of my own allows me to better understand the ways in which other languages are constructed. Very interesting stuff, and I wouldn't have known about it if I were such a phenomenal geek. This will fit in quite nicely alongside my other avocation, which is collecting picture of naked Japanese women. Lovely.

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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2001

I Have Acquired An Orphan Girl

Today I created my first journal entry in h2g2. I am quite impressed with the layout, format, and content of this new Guide, and as soon as it is available in flexible laptop form I shall be even happier.

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2001

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Stochastic Jack

Researcher U168851

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