This is the Message Centre for Willem

Reasons to be Alive

Post 1


1. So you can one day be a father
2. to see another rainbow
3. to see another spring
4. Listening to waterfall, thinking about the water.
5. Change
6. Faith
7. Hope
8. Charity
9. Glitter smiley - winkeye (well, it works for me!)
10. Meteor Showers
11. Friendship
12. Music (listen to that Chop Suey song again unless its gonna be triggery, but I really don't trust in anyones self righteous suicide.)
13. Okapi
14. Purple Gallinules
15. Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters
16. a warm bed
17. the smell of fresh baked bread
18. good books
19. good ideas
20. good people
21. love
22. the universe
23. universal love
24. international communication
25. lychees.

there's loads more...

Reasons to be Alive

Post 2

the Shee

26. hugs
27. other people (known and unknown)
28. warm cookies
29. beauty, wherever you may find it
30. playing music, as well as listening to it

Reasons to be Alive

Post 3

soeasilyamused, or sea

31. Painting
32. Writing
33. Learning!!!
34. Warm spring days
35. The first rain of the season
36. Christmas
37. Your birthday
38. All the good you are going to do for the world!

Reasons to be Alive

Post 4


39. purplejenny
40. the Shee
41. sea
42. h2g2 smiley - winkeye
43. photographing
44. forests
45. walking on the beach
46. letters
47. fruit
48. light

Reasons to be Alive

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

49.everyone who's touched your life
50. everyone whose life *you've* touched
51. WLC
52. reggabwoW
53. smiley - hugs, both real and here, giving and receiving

Reasons to be Alive

Post 6

David Conway

54. kidz who love unkl willi, who loves them right back

Reasons to be Alive

Post 7

soeasilyamused, or sea

55. all the beautiful animals in the world
56. music
57. all the diverse cultures in the world - someday you should see them all!

Reasons to be Alive

Post 8


58) The strongest reason to stay alive is that no one knows what the future will bring. There may be some bad things you have to deal with, but there will be many truly wonderful things, things you never expected or imagined, but will really love. And these things will only unfold in their own time.

59) Another reason to stick around is to spare others the grief and guilt of being survivors. No one who has a friend or relative die like that ever completely gets over it. Why cause PTSD for someone else, especially our family?

60)Our pets. They love us and need us.

61)To avoid violence. Suicide is not a peaceful escape, it is an act of violence. It is strange that people that would never hurt another person ever, can contemplate hurting themselves. To reject hurting oneself is to affirm peace in this world.

Reasons to be Alive

Post 9


Look what it did to my 58! LOL, it turned it into a smiley. That will teach me to preview, won't it?

Reasons to be Alive

Post 10

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

62) a purring cat in your lap on a cold winter night (or any night for that matter)
63) hot cocoa and marshmallows
64) sunsets
65) a child's laughter
66) art, and making art
67) oversized tee-shirts and warm fuzzy sweatpants
68) anyone who *gets it* and doesn't mind you for it

Reasons to be Alive

Post 11

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

69. JEllen
70. Shee
71. Chris
72. LOL - and the fact that I did the same thing as Ellen on my #68!

Reasons to be Alive

Post 12

Chris M

73) Star Wars Episode II comes out in May
74) Lord Of The Rings II comes out next year
75) Episode III and
76) Lord Of The Rings III should be out sometime after that

Then there's Episodes
77) VII
78) VIII and
79) IX

As long as I can live vicariously through celluloid once in a while and walk the earth and breathe the air a free man, I plan on statying around at least long enough to complete the set. Strange incentive I know... smiley - biggrin
What do you reckon?

80) The kindness of strangers (a constant, believe me smiley - hug)

Reasons to be Alive

Post 13

Chris M

8) oops!

Reasons to be Alive

Post 14


Hiya all, and thanks a lot, and don't worry too much... do this for someone else as much as for me. I know of many reasons to stay alive. The bad thing about my suicidalness is that it gets *so bad* that it overrides all of that. The first time I tried to kill myself was in 1992. I still had huge numbers of goals that I wished to accomplish ... and still I went and did it. I almost succeeded. I had enough poison in me to kill fourteen people. My blood potassium levels plummeted to just about zero and the doctors were all having fits and nobody thought I would make it ... but I did. That does give me courage every time I become suicidal... which is a lot. I have a lot of fight in me, though. I aint ever going to make it too easy for myself.

Reasons to be Alive

Post 15

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - hug willem. i'm glad you're okay.

Reasons to be Alive

Post 16

Chris M

Well you'll never be by yourself smiley - hug

Reasons to be Alive

Post 17

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - hug

I, too, am glad that you're okay. And I agree with you. How could we ask that this be a community discussion post? Spread it 'round.

smiley - winkeye WINK

Reasons to be Alive

Post 18

the Shee

My friend once told me: "When life takes a cheap-ass shot at you, beat it down with a stick."

(Don't take that the wrong way...)

But she lives by it now.

smiley - hug

Reasons to be Alive

Post 19


I feel the same way about movies Chris. Previews are a great suicide deterrent, cause they get you hooked.

Reasons to be Alive

Post 20

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

Did you hear about those two guys out in Seattle, Washington USA that are sitting in front of a movie theatre and don't plan to budge until the premiere of Episode Two????? smiley - weird Think they'll get cold? smiley - yikes They are supposed to be posting a website with their progress, thoughts and comments from passers-by. If I get the site, I'll post it in my space. I think it's kinda funny.

Not really relating to what was started here, but it crossed my mind when we kept on with motion pictures... sorry! smiley - erm

smiley - winkeye WINK

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