This is the Message Centre for FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


Post 1


After all your hard work at the SQ!
Have you saved your old site?

I still haven't done anything exciting with my page html is too complicated for me!

Have you seen HP&CS Yet?
Twice! (Blinked the first time and missed the first Snape scene.

If you haven't been stay right until the very end as there is a extra bit after all the credits!
Handy tip from my Rickmans!

Just shopping online!

Take care
luv Haz smiley - hug


Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

there is a link to my old page on the new one. but it was out of date so i moved it sideways. yes i saw the film and the extra bit at the end.

i thought the film was ace, way better tahn the book.

hope they do azkhbahn as well. one thing i thought was bad. when hagrid came back he was supposed to look like he'd had a really awful time, thats how harry knows how bad azkhabahn is in the next book isnt it? but he looks just like always.

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