This is the Message Centre for gaga

Hi gelzi the ignorant

Post 1


Hi there and welcome to The Hitch Hikes Guide gelzi the ignorant... My name is Greebo T. Cat, and me is an Assistant Community Editior here at H2G2. If you need any help then ask away, me will try to help all me can.

Here is a handy link to a page me wrote for new researchers to the guide such as yourself, it has several links to parts of the guide that you might like to visit. So if you have the time, why not pop over to

Me is sure that you are not really as ignorant as your name proclaims... ~grin~ Well me hopes not anyway... not that there's anything wrong with being ignorant... in fact me can think of a few times when me has seen fit to pretend me not know anything about certain subjects...

Glad you stumbled into h2g2... tis a nice place to discover... and me see's you have already found the joys of conversing with other researchers in the numerous forum around the guide... hope you are enjoying yourself...

Hugs... Greebs.. xx

Hi gelzi the ignorant

Post 2


Hi Grebo smiley - smiley

I've even been around here some years ago as a quite passive researcher, but forgot my username, password and I'm not even shure if the email address still exists, I used for that...

When I wanted to start again, I just found n2g2 smiley - sadface Nevertheless, I've enjoyed lurking around there and becoming more active now smiley - smiley

Now off to explore what happened in the last year.

Hi gelzi the ignorant

Post 3


Me is sure h2g2 is happy to have you back... me knows me is... ~grin~

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