This is the Message Centre for Cynthia
Happy X-mas!
Jimi X Posted Dec 22, 2000
Can you pretend that one of these was for you and the other was for the rest of the art team?
I can't stand double posting...
Happy X-mas!
Cynthia Posted Dec 29, 2000
Erherrm! Rest of the art team? There are only two of us as it stands and I will happily pass your message on to Sri
Happy New Year to you and thanks for your support Jimi, it does count - and it keeps us pepped up during those difficult hair tugging moments "It's gonnnaa blowww....."
If you can make sense of our pictures, I know you'll make some kind of sense out of this. Cheers Matey!
Happy X-mas!
Jimi X Posted Jan 2, 2001
Hmm, for some reason I thought there were three of you...
Who is Jack (U999)? Not a member of the art team then?
My mistake. Still, saying 'Art Team' sounds better than 'those two crazy people in the corner with all the pretty pictures', don't you think?
Happy X-mas!
Cynthia Posted Jan 3, 2001
Oh, I see. It is just Sri and myself now and yes, you're better off saying 'Art Team' as there will always be shuffling around in numbers at this end. It just sounds odd from time to time with there just being the two of us at present
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Happy X-mas!
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